Hi. Interested to hear from anyone with Avm in right parietal lobe in eloquent area of brain

I think it has noticeably reduced the symptoms, so I am very grateful for that. I started to feel I was getting less well again in the autumn and then I had a week or two of being more significantly dizzy which is why I’ve gone back to the doc.

I completely get the breakdown bit. It is quite a shock and I went through what I call my OMG period mostly in Sep 2016. There were a few stages along the way that I had difficulty with and I think it’s only reasonable to be so shocked. But, we’re all here. We’ve been through similar things. And there are good outcomes to be had.

I think I could have coped with embo or gamma. Craniotomy would be a big challenge for me. But embo was the recommendation and the degree of flow I could feel (literally) convinced me that mine needed embo rather than gamma knife. I am currently still hearing some blood flow at night and I’m almost at the point where I think I can feel some blood flow again on the outside of my head, so I am very borderline of the opinion that further work may be required.

I’d say gamma knife has some risks. I think it is difficult to balance GK v embolisation where risk is concerned. Each has their benefits and risks.

The only thing to do is to understand the options for you, the benefits of whatever recommendation your doctor is making, and to be convinced yourself of the need to face whatever surgical risk to try to realise a reduced ongoing stroke risk.

I hope you don’t have to wait too long. The waiting game is part of the stress, I think, and is great if you are lucky enough to avoid a big wait. My story here.
