
I have had 3 angiograms done and was fully awake for all of them. They just numbed the groin area and then I layed flat for 6 to 8 hours. Its not the best thing to do but, there wasnt any really bad pain. It hurt for a few days like after any other cut you could get. I would do another anigogram to make sure 100% that the avm is gone! Best of luck~~~~Andrea

Update… It went great!! I can’t say enough about Vanderbilt University Medical Center, these people are awesome! They did what was called a conscious sedation, they sedated me but I didn’t go under it was wild. There was no pain during or afterward, it’s the day after and still no pain, they did get upset because I guess at one point my left side started jumping and caused me to move and they were like be still you have to be still but it went wonderful. I was scared that if they put me under I wouldn’t wake up and if they didn’t I would move and be worse than I was when I started. But they combined the two and it went great, btw, it is still gone. Don’t give up hope, it does get better. Everyone is in my prayers. I hope this gives at least some of you hope because I truly believe it gets better, just don’t give up. Blessed be everyone.

Terry Leneave said:
Update... It went great!! I can't say enough about Vanderbilt University Medical Center, these people are awesome! They did what was called a conscious sedation, they sedated me but I didn't go under it was wild. There was no pain during or afterward, it's the day after and still no pain, they did get upset because I guess at one point my left side started jumping and caused me to move and they were like be still you have to be still but it went wonderful. I was scared that if they put me under I wouldn't wake up and if they didn't I would move and be worse than I was when I started. But they combined the two and it went great, btw, it is still gone. Don't give up hope, it does get better. Everyone is in my prayers. I hope this gives at least some of you hope because I truly believe it gets better, just don't give up. Blessed be everyone.

Hey Terry,

What wonderful news that the AVM is still gone, and I’m so happy for you that the angio went so well. I think a lot of times our anxiety and the anticipation of what something is going to be like is actually worse than the thing we’re dreading.

Keep taking good care.


Have the angiogram done. I had an MRI two months ago and it didn't show anything either. I got the angiogram two weeks ago, no complications whatsoever, and the doctors were able to locate a residual AVM and I am now waiting to have radiation (Gamma knife) procedure done to have it completely repaired. The angiogram is a bit unpleasant, I give you that. But it is worth it for a full recovery. You will be just fine, Elle.

My name is Tim, I was all the way under every time. I would get it. i go back in April for MRI. If hesaid i thinki see something, we need an agio. I would say you want to do it now. In a heart beat.I would, Have, and done everything to get rid of my alien eatting my brain!!!!

I believe I need some clarification and direction on angiograms and follow-up MRIs/CTs. I had a post-op CT w/out contrast performed 6-months after my craniotomy and my neurosurgeon said mine was gone. From everyone's recommendations here, it appears that the results from a CT scan (or MRI) COULD be 'faulty'/false and that an angiogram is the definite test to have performed. Reading that there is contrast dye injected really unnerves me as it leaves me with concerning questions about the safety of it and my brain, as I already still have double vision (which disrupts my balance and depth-perception) 15 1/2 months post AVM hemorrhage & surgery. Has anyone experienced any additional side effects from having an angiogram performed?