Hi everyone! I just wanted to share another news clip/interview my son Ryan did last week while in Little Rock for surgery. He is doing a great job spreading awareness!!! He even got a chance to meet Bill Clinton! We are home now and he is doing well. Sure hope everyone else is hanging in there too!
Thanks for this, Monica. Wishing Ryan a real summer vacation from the AVM now!
Monica...Ryan is such a strong young man! Wow, he even met President Clinton? Please let Ryan know I am thinking and praying for him during his journey!
Ryan is so awesome! He will be such an inspiration to my young boy just now entering this journey. Thanks for sharing, Monica!
Monica, I am so happy that Ryan is doing so well. What an inspiritional young man and it is wonderful that he is "Spreading Awareness"!! Good luck to you all!
Ryan buddy... you can make it.
Ma'am Monica thanks for sharing...
Glad to hear Ryan is doing well :)