Does anyone know of any medications that help with the bruit or whooshing sound in the ear? Mine is driving me mad. It's really affecting my sleep since it's on my right side, gets louder when I lay my head down or even near the pillow and I seem to only be able to sleep on my right side. I'll be scheduling an embolization but in the meantime I'm going crazy and getting exhausted. Thanks!
I am not aware of anything that will quiet the bruit, other than shrinkage or removal of the AVM. A sleeping pill type thing might help you sleep through it, but I'd get an AVM Dr's ok before doing that.
Chari's bruit grew quieter with each embolization, and disappeared completely with surgical removal of the AVM. Since she'd had it with her for 40 yr, she MISSED IT when it was gone. She assumed everyone had one of those, and it helped her relax at night and drift off to sleep. Took her some time, as in months, to get over it being gone.
Best wishes,
Ron, KS
Welcome to the site!
A sound machine that has many different sounds you can try might be able to mask the tinnitus so you can sleep better. Sharper Image on line has them.