I am going in for my Arteriogram and would like to know what your experiences have been and what to expect. Even the 4-5 hours of laying flat during recovery make me a little crazy.
I get mine on Monday so I am curious also. Also trying to decide if it is worth my husband taking the day off or saving his time for later procedures. My parents insist on going so I will have a ride.
Any thoughts for that also?
It's very straightforward if a bit tedious.
After changed into a hospital gown and wheeled in the theater, I was given a sedative in my arm and a local anesthetic in my groin. Then they might shave a a few inches of hair, depening how hairy you are :). You're awake, but a bit 'woosy' and the doc will be talking to you while you lie flat on an operating table. Your head will be secured to the table, so you don't move it.
The tube is thread through (painless) and the doc will be taking x-rays. At this point the dye is injected, with a few seperate 'bursts', which you will feel - it feels warm, and even hot, but mine was OK. After that, the tube is removed, It may or may not be 'plugged'. I've hata couple of them the whole process took about 40 mins.
After that, I was sen to the recovery room, and had to lie down flat for 4 hrs. With that sedative, I actually got soem sleep. They may let you lie slightly propped up in the bed after a couple of hours. You'll also be hooked up to the usual hospital machines that monitor pulse, temp, and the like. Make sure you have someone to take you home.
Thank you.
Hi. I had an angio. done on 11/14. the procedure was pretty much the same as Paul described. I was strapped at head, thighs, and feet. I had mild sedation and didn't feel "woosy" at all. My doctor talked to me the entire time so that I had to answer him or comment in some way. They began on my right side and injected every major artery until they got to my AVM side (L). I didn't feel any warmth/heat on the right side dye injections but as soon as they started the left posterior injection I had heat and pain in each location with the most severe being internal carotid injection which hit my avm area the most. It took 2 hours to complete but gave additional information to my posterior artery having a "wicked "S" turn", lol. Because I have seizures and have reacted to dye in the past my interventional neuro-radiologist did the procedure with his embolization team, just incase we had a problem. I had 15 min. of direct hand pressure to stop the bleeding. I was in recovery for four hours. Laying flat was difficult as I had kidney surgery (L) 3 weeks before and was still sore. I had to stay flat in recovery but after 2 hours they tilted the foot of the bed down and my headache wasn't as bad. Over all, it went great except for the seizure I had 2 days later (lol). They increased my med's and I'm fine and still waiting for surgery. Stairs were hard the first 4 days. Every AVM is different and we all have different past medical histories. I wish you well and quick follow up treatment. ~Elizabeth
Paul put it perfect...ive had 2 and as Paul A stated above thats pretty much it...its kinda like a CT Scan also when they take the x-rays...the die gets your head very hot etc but they will tell you what sensations you will feel once your in there...my advice is try to relax and be calm....picture yourself in another place like a tropical island etc so it goes quicker....God bless and wish you all the best
Thanks for all the great feedback. The procedure went very smooth including the use of an angio-seal plug. I would urge anyone having an arteriography to take it easy for a few days following the procedure.
My fear is finding an weak spot. I have had no bleeding–just a seizure. Just discovered through MRI at 40. Hoping to do radiation. Mine is tomorrow. Not scared of test. Just scared of results.
I have to tell you my experience was not what I expected at all. I had mine done at KU Med. Of course everything was running late but when you are talking about the brain I have no problems waiting because I would want that extra time if they were treating my brain.
The sedative did nothing. I was totally awake the entire time, could hear everything and see everything, and was freezing. At one point of the angio I was shaking horribly bad and the doctor asked me to hold still. I told him I was freezing, scared to death, and the meds did nothing and has hard as I was trying I could not stop the shaking. They gave me a little more to at least stop the aggressive shaking of my body that lasted for another 15 minutes but then continued again. I could feel the stuff going in my brain every time. It was very warm and I could see weird lights every time. It also sounded like they had a little mallet to push in the catheter. I had to lay still so I could only hear things and not see them.
The whole process including the 3d images took a little over two hours.
When I was taken back to recovery I was in pain in my leg (remember the sedative did nothing) so I asked for Tylenol. They told me if I had some I could take it. Have you ever heard of a hospital not giving you over the counter pain meds and telling you that you should have brought your own?
I survived. It was more nerve-wracking than anything else because they were pointing to images and talking about large stuff and an aneurysm pocket, etc.
My son is 5…we are going for his first angiogram next week. Just diagnosed with a right frontal lobe AVM a few days ago. Im just wondering if he will be able to go to School the day after the procedure? Or are you usually sore and needing to rest?
Hi Stephanie,
I have had an angio-3D done and I am a teacher. My opinion is that he should not go to school the next day or two. He will be sore. Kindergarten activities include sitting on the floor in morning group and they all like to crawl on the ground, lol, neither of which would be good for him. He will have some sedation as well so balance and reaction time may be a little off for a while. It's scary for him and for you. You will need time with each other. Kinder time can wait. Wishing you all the best and a quick recovery for your son. ~Elizabeth
It was hard for me the next day and I am the teacher. I would say he needs to stay home. Any little bump on my hip hurt. I about peed my pants when I bent down to tie my shoe. His hip will hurt and honestly I doubt it would be very safe. It would be tough enough to watch kids every second but you are talking about a little boy with a plug in his major artery. Any rough in tumble moment could cause it to come out.
Plan on keeping him home two days.
Hi...I had mine on 10/23, but they put me out completely, because I was on the table so long. I didn't "experience" the test at all. They found 2 weak areas and 3 aneurysms on the AVM that they did not previously know about...Kinda scary, but I am glad I know what I am dealing with (4 cm AVM, temporal/parietal region, found in September, no previous bleeds, no headaches, sporadic simple partial seizures...I just thought they were muscle spasms for 20 years - I am 40).
After the Arteriogram, just try and relax and get some rest while you lie flat...It is not as flat as you might be imagining, and they will do what they can to make you comfortable...You just need to ask. I was sore at the entry site in my groin for about a week...No real pain, just soreness. My throat hurting from the breathing tube (only because they used general) was way worse than the angio site. I was very tired for a couple days, but recovered quickly.
Best of luck, and hoping for good news for you!
What are they doing with your aneurysms? All I know is the radiologist said he found a very small one. Totally freaked out waiting on doctors to meet and call me.
Thank you both for your responses! I guess i was thinking the angio was much less of a’ big deal’ procedure than i now am realizing! I truly do appreciate your replys!!
Just be careful after your procedure that while lying flat if you need to cough or sneeze put pressure on the wound site at your groin with your hand. No one mentioned this to me and I had a cold when I had my angiogram done i coughed and the wound site burst an bled due to coughing and that was about 3 hrs into the 4 hrs lying flat and I had to restart the whole 4 hrs flat all over again. Needless to say by the end of the day I was so so glad to stand up again and move around.