Pictures of AVM Survivor Network members at luncheon in Boston on 6/9/12!
353-AVMLUNCHEON021.jpg (1.16 MB) 354-AVMLUNCHEON019.jpg (1.11 MB) 355-AVMLUNCHEON014.jpg (1.35 MB)I like that!
Can you do a little write up about it and post pls?
I posted once about trying a mid west meet up, but didn't get much feedback.
ron, ks
Who's who in the photos?
Looks like all had a great time, Louisa.
I will have to ask my daughter to do that Ron....She's coming this PM and I'll ask her to help me.
Was a GREAT time Louisa and thank you for all of your efforts in pulling this together1 It was so wonderful to have some face-time with fellow AVM survivors =)!!!
I'm not sure if I am doing this right but I'm trying to upload the picture of Nicholas (sp?) who was addressing the group while handing out TAAF goodies - thank you so much Nicholas =)!
356-IMG00422201206091342.jpg (141 KB)