Don't Take It Personally

One of my cousins gave me this book. I really like it..."The Four Agreements" - especially now - post AVM-burst; on the other hand, I have a friend who insists that there's no way to NOT take anything personally.

Your view on:

"Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering."

- Miguel Ruiz

Hi Julie,
To me, it's a great theory to not take things personally, but a hard one to achieve - easier said than done! ;)

I love that last quote, it's excellent and I may borrow it and blow it up ginormous size and give it to a friend of mine! For me, I think I do pretty well with not taking things personally. I just have mentality that says "this is me, like me or not, I am what I am". That's not to say I never take things personally, but not very often.

Hmmmm...very interesting quote! Personally I am not very good and being immune to other people so instead I choose to distance myself from them. Negativity is contagious. When there is no other choice but to engage, I always try to remember that there is a group of very sad people in the world that can only feel better about themselves by putting down other people. Too bad for them...

hi julie.. i like the last quote indeed! thanks for sharing.. unfortunately, i've experienced taking it really personally and getting knocked down by what others say or do.. and yes, the suffering is unnecessary.. it's just unfortunate that the realization of letting it get to my head comes in the end, when all is said and done. damage done, victimized - all ridiculous and needless.. fortunately & thankfully, i've risen above. and also fortunately, i've also been on the other side - i've come to terms with some life experiences, especially having this experience of having an AVM and undergoing surgery.. i was just praying about it - thanking the Divine for letting me feel what it's like to be really scared.. without that feeling, i wouldn't know what it feels like to be brave and courageous too.. but i digress.. back to what others say or do - is indeed a projection of their own world..i say - for all the people who try to knock us down, let it bounce back to them.. they have no idea what we're all going thru.. as we probably have no clue as well as what others are going thru... it offsets.. so don't take it personal indeed. easier said than done. but definitely DO-able! Rock on!!

The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz...I borrowed that book from my father about nine years ago, but I never really had the chance to finish it. I just started to read it from the beginning, and I am halfway through the book. It's an awesome book so far.

I especially like the quote: "Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering."

It's very true. They are the ones that choose what they say and need to take it personally, but it is easier said than done. It'll definitely take time, work and effort for me to not take some things personally.

Wow, The Four Agreements... it sounded familiar... googled it and now I know why. Seems I read it awhile back (before the AVM) and it has some awesome advice. But not to take things personally...I try not to but we're all just human and it's so hard to do. It's great advice though and Trish you blow up that quote and use it. You'll find yourself giving it out a lot. Great tie in to the AVM thing Julie, seems we can all benefit from that advice. Definitely buy, borrow or steal (ok I don't recommend breaking the law) but definitely read this book if you can. Hope everyone is feeling ok. :)