Embolization and Headaches

This is from a migraine prespective as I’ve had nuerologically complicated migraines for 30 years… try a NSAID to help with the headache/migraine. Because you’ve had a controlled traumatic brain injury and vessel and whatnot are rerouting I would said odds are extremely high that you have swelling going on in there. Swelling = Headache. So, rather than pain meds, try anti-inflammatory and see how that goes.

Absolutely keep a headache journal! It will help you avoid current triggers like bright or flashing lights. I assume you won’t need the journal after about a year as you finish healing, but every little bit will help right now.

Also, if warmth bothers you and makes the migraine worse try ice on the back of your neck to ease the pain. Keep your house cool, especially at night when you’re trying to sleep. Avoid getting too hot when you sleep!

One of the biggest tricks to headaches is to hit them hard and fast when they start. Don’t wait to see how bad it’s going to get and if you “need” medication. As soon as you even think you’re getting a headache take action. I think this is particularly important in this case because I do believe these types of headaches are from swelling – you want to get that swelling under control and keep it under control. Not only will you heal faster overall, but you’ll feel better, too.

Feel free to PM me with migraine/headache questions.
