Embolization issue

Anyone else have a marble like bump on the incession site of an embolization? I also have had a lot of brusing from black and blue to dark red and purple!

Yes. After 2 weeks in the hospital, I still felt the bump. When I had the the follow-up angiogram it wasn’t as bad because they used a vascular closing device(exoseal). If your concerned, ask your Doctor. What did the angiogram disclose?

Yes, my husband had something like that. They used an internal closing device that dissolves in the body over the next few weeks. Did they give you any little pamphlet or wallet card with your discharge papers? He had something like that, reminding him not to strain or lift heavy things, and so in an emergency doctors would know what device was in place. If you don't see anything about a bump in your discharge papers, go ahead and call your surgeon's office just to check. The nurse should be able to answer the question for you.

Hey Wendy, They were trying to embolize the avm with onyx. The doctor tried for hours, but now said it is no longer an option. Thanks for your imput! :D

I did get discharge papers, but I didn't see anything about a device. You are both right! I am going to give the doctor a call in the mourning. Thanks for your imput!

I just came back from the hospital. It ended up being a hematoma, but they said they needed to check to make sure it was not an aneurysm. It will work it's way out on it's own. Thanks for the support.

Glad you're OK! It's good to be vigilant.