Embolization Success Rates?


Like t’other Mike, I have an AVM in the dura mater and a fairly singular connection from an artery straight into my right transverse sinus. On the MRI, it appeared like a single white dot.

My embolization story is here, documented in the weeks following. If you click on the date against each, you can see where it is in the time line. I had my embo on something like 3 April 2017. All good now but took a long time to feel ok. The doc put this down to quite a high flow connection being shut off in one go that had been gushing forwards and backwards in my major sinuses.

Any questions, very happy to help.

I think the apparent “low” success rate for embolization is that it is often the case that docs plan to attack an AVM via embolization in one, two or more sittings. My doc suggested possibly two sittings; as it happened, he was happy with just one.

The risks are principally that the catheter can rip the artery or that a blob of glue gets dropped (or pushed via high flow blood) to somewhere that it was not intended.
