

Just curious … My daughter had an angio in August and was cleared both neurosurgeons. Yesterday, we noticed that she has occasionally had unequal pupils-- with the left (deficit) side being bigger. Does that make any sense?


Hi Tina,
I don't know the answer, but would encourage you address this with her drs.
If this is a new symptom, I would either call her drs. office or go to the E.R. to have this checked out.
Take care.

Hi, Tina, check with your doctor, but I will hope this is unrelated to Rose's AVM. I myself have always had unequal pupils, and to my knowledge, I don't have an AVM. I have been checked out for pupillary defects, but nothing significant was discovered.

Hi Tina,Thats what happen to me after I collaped and rushed to the emergency room by ambulance.After a CT scan,thats when I was told I had an avm in my brain,but they said I had Adies Tonic pupil caused by trigeminal neuralgia,not by the avm.But then I was told it was an eye stroke,so im still up in the air with this.It took a month and my pupil is back to normal.Call the doctor.Just to make sure everything is ok.

my experience with unequal pupils was when I had a stroke and had blood clots in my brain and lots of swelling/edema She needs a CT scan as soon as you can. This is a sign of something going on in her brain
Is she walking okay?

She’s walking ok. I can’t find any other neurological signs. At least it has been weekend so I could watch carefully. I am not sure what I will do today, probably wait and see when she wakes up.

She had a bad headache last night – wanted to take a whole bottle of Tylenol. Hopefully better this morning.

Hello Tina
Take her to emergency they will do a CT scan right away. Head pain and the pupils she could have some swelling going on in her brain and you dont want to wait. The CT scan should only take 15 to 20 minutes