Financial advice

Good morning. My name is Larry. I am hoping to find some guidance on what I should do financially. My wife had surgery in August, I took FMLA leave to care for her, 2 months later I went back and was promptly laid off. I was ok with that because my wife was awaiting and is now getting radiation treatment. So I have been collecting unemployment. I will be having my own surgery to remove my avm hopefully in Janurary, my question is, Should I file for disability? Do I have other options? When you send your claim for unemployment they ask if you are able to work. I am not a fan of taking advantage of the system and am even more afraid to get caught lying. Any info would be great. Thanks

Hi Larry, I sent you a friend request; once you accept it, I can send you a private email.

My suggestion would be for you to contact a lawyer skilled in disability law. You have a complex situation which will require expert knowledge and guidance.

One thing I am familiar with is taking FMLA. A key concept is not to go back to work too soon, as new waiting periods for any disability pay reset if you take it, then go back, then need to take it again, such as when you try to go back too early after surgery.

Best wishes,
Ron, KS

Hi Larry,

I second what Ron has said. He offered you some good advice. Your situation is not a basic unemployment case. An attorney can guide you through this properly. In addition to that, you could call the unemployment office and see what they say. However, I don't trust them myself to tell them too much information. Having said that - I think talking to an attorney would be my first choice. You didn't say if you may be called back to work or not. If so,..That's another thing that needs to be considered.

Good luck Larry.


When they laid me off they sure made it seem they would call me back. But thats my fear. I don't want to go back. Mainly because because I have a pretty severe allergic reaction to something at the plant. ( precast concrete ) I don't want that hassle before going for surgery.But if they do I think i'm forced to have to go because I don't want to lose Cobra.And people to me seem to just give me the run around. I email and call the benefits department, they recommend to get in touch with my regional HR department, they didn't have much to tell me in fact still haven't called me back,and the HR guy at the plant is actually the accountant. Just frustrating. I even went to the unemployment office in Allentown PA and they don't answer questions there, You must call the number and stay on hold for 1-2 hours.When the time comes thats what I'll have to do.Anger is not helping my cause.Writing all this is starting to make me think I am just feeling sorry for myself.

You know,... it might be a blessing if they do call you back before your surgery. I say that because then you can go on short term disability from your work. I've been on short term disability twice while I was working and it worked out good for me. I got a percentage of my pay and I didn't have to go back till my dr. released me.

Since your situation is somewhat up in the air (so-to-say). I'm still going to say talking with an attorney will be to your benefit. I think it's the not-knowing that has you, can I say frazzled? I know that feeling -- I've been there. Knowledge is our tool to get us through the challenging times we go through. Learn all you can of what your options are and what you have to do to get through this, and I'm certain you will be more at ease over this. This isn't just my hunch,.. I'm talking from experience (wink). :)
