Hi All
How do you all go on with flying with the AVM or after surgery??
I would think the cabin pressure would give a problem??
One thing I have when I fly long haul from NZ to the UK is my Sinus over eyebrows is really painful, only when I coming into land and altitude is falling. I don't have any problems taking off and reaching cruising altitude.
I think its maybe due to the fact that the speed of reducing altitude when landing is faster than climbing, I don't know.
Whenever I fly long haul as well, I have a terrible runny nose, sneezing continuously, much to the annoyance of the poor passengers who are sat adjacent to me.
I have always put this down to all the bugs that are around the cabin, and allergies I have with may I say "smelly passengers with bad B.O and haven't found out about Body de-odorants or even simple Soap and Water"
I never suffer with nose bleeds, however on one occasion when I reached the UK, I blew my nose and suffered quite a substantial nose bleed. It stopped as soon as it stared and I didn't think too much about it.
However since being diagnosed with my AVM and looking into the subject, there does seem to be a connection between the formation of my AVM and sinus problems.
It has mentioned that mucus is formed in the major sinus area on my left hand side of my face and above my left eye, exactly where the AVM is seated.
I really can't believe this isn't a coincidence.
I take Anti-Histamines daily, as without them, I would wake in the morning to a very runny nose and continual sneezing.
I have had a Rhinoplasty surgery to relieve the sinus problems around 8 years ago, however the sneezing and runny nose has come back with a vengeance over the last 2 years.
Also, I have had both my Inner Ears operated on, and had a double stapendectomy, which is the replacement of the "Stirrup Bone" in the middle Ear. I had this operation as I was going deaf in both ears, a result I feel to the continual sneezing causing pressure build ups, however my ENT Surgeon feels this isn't the case.
Sorry to go on about this, however it may ring bells with you guys, it was over 10 years ago, that I started using a Mobile Phone on a continual basis with work. Very shortly after I had these problems with my ears, however how can I fully be confident that the AVM isn't due to microwaves from Cell Phones?????
I only use the phone now on hands free and NEVER to my head.