I have boughts of long term and short term memory losses. From one day to the next it can be either / or, or vise-a-versa. Sentence construction and vocabulary issues are prevalant too. Finding the correct word for a given subject is difficult at times for me. I also have noticed that I have a degree of O.C.D. and end up repeating the same task over and over again. However I am ok with concentration as it seems, (probably due to my profession, robotics technician and machinist) which helps with the on-set of my O.C.D.,
All the above I have discussed in detail with my neurosurgeon, his reply was, "these symptoms are normal due to the severity of your brain trauma, (AVM bleed, un-treated), the blood pressure and open bleeding on cerebral tissue causes damage, in many cases irreversable."
So, compensate,...I always have a note book with me, listing things do do, what to do, date when completed, daily responsibilities and future projects, (which I refer to constantly).
(please note my "page" for additional information)
For all the above is attributed directly to my AVM (un-treated) and my choice to have it monitored annually, (per neurosurgeon's advice/reccomendation)
Is it a handi-cap ? YES
Can I cope with it ? YES
Are my employers sympathetic and understanding of my AVM condition ? YES DEFINATELY !
So,..Melissa, I can completely understand your delimma, and please know you have my empathy and sympathy, as I suffer from the same conditions as yourself. But everyday,...I give thanks that I am still alive and plan to be for a very long time. Doing my best to live up to the expectations of my most favorite quote: "You are,...What You do,...When it counts" (cause' after all,...if it doesn't count, doesn't matter),...*wink*
Melissa,..stay strong.
Your friend,...