Forgetting things

Hello everyone

Since my embolization in august I noticed having problems with my memory, and since my treatment in january these problems increased. I forget a lot of things on short term and have problems concentrating. Sometimes I can't follow a conversation, or I have trouble making a correct sentence.
Last week something strange happened. I walked on the stairs at home, when I was halfway I suddendly stopped and for a couple of seconds I didn't knew how to walk the stairs.
I am getting tests done to see what could cause these problems (don't know when yet)

My question to you all is: are these normal symptoms? did anyone of you have/had these problems?
First it was just forgetting appointments, but now this happened I am starting to worry. How is it possible that I don't know how to walk a stair (something that I do so often) What could possibly be the occasion?

Greetings Melissa

Hi Melissa,
I did a search for short-term memory & found this discussion
I think it's a fairly 'common' issue among the majority of both AVM & CM pts.
A good speech therapist can possibly work with you on ways of improving & coping.
As for your 'episode' while on the stairs, pls. let your drs. know of this.
Take care my friend!

Hi Melissa. I wouldn’t want to tell you what is normal. It is best to call your Dr or neurologist, just to be safe. I think the step thing sounds weird but who knows. I have to write things down to remember them. I have to make a list before I go the the grocery store. I had my embolisation in May 2011. I still have problems concentrating when there are different conversations going on or the phone is ringing. Sometimes even though I have used the tv remote a million times before, I have to think about what I want to do with the remote. I still have problems with aphasia but it is getting better. It’s better to ask the dr to ease your mind.

Hallo Melissa,
the embolization cause the reorganization of the blood flow and it is difficult to foresee what would happen especially by more aneurisms. I think, the MRI or CT would be helpful.

Hi Melissa. You are making me feel much better because I am experiencing something similar. I do forget things so I am beginning to write down just about everything. I have a small calendar for this purpose which is filled with mundane things: take out the trash, getting painting supplies, etc… It is also filled with numerous doctors’ appointments, which I also write down. It works for me but very difficult to stomach since I used to be able to keep some, though not all, of this in my head. I think my high doses of meds are part of the reason but it could be the surgery.
I urge you to look up the term Jamais Vu. It fits what you experienced when walking the stairs. For instance, my last seizure was in September of 2011. Some of the witnesses to the seizure said that I just looked at my hands as if I did not know what to do with them. I have talked with others who have experienced the same phenomena. Are there others who have experienced this? Take care, George

Thank you all for the reactions. It may not sound very nice, but I'm glad I am not the only one with memory-problems. Lucky to read that it improves in some of your cases. I am having a new MRI next week, and follow-up appointment with my doctor later. I had a conversation at rehabilitation, and I am still waiting for the tests and other appointments. I hope they can help me with my memory-problems etc. But I was just wondering if anyone else experiences something similair (considering the stair-accident)

George I searched it up, it could be that but I don't know for sure. As far as I know I don't had seizures, but I can't tell for sure.
I am not taking any meds, so that can't be it either.

Maybe I'll just need to wait till the tests are done.
Thanks again for your comments. Hope you are all doing fine!


I have boughts of long term and short term memory losses. From one day to the next it can be either / or, or vise-a-versa. Sentence construction and vocabulary issues are prevalant too. Finding the correct word for a given subject is difficult at times for me. I also have noticed that I have a degree of O.C.D. and end up repeating the same task over and over again. However I am ok with concentration as it seems, (probably due to my profession, robotics technician and machinist) which helps with the on-set of my O.C.D.,

All the above I have discussed in detail with my neurosurgeon, his reply was, "these symptoms are normal due to the severity of your brain trauma, (AVM bleed, un-treated), the blood pressure and open bleeding on cerebral tissue causes damage, in many cases irreversable."

So, compensate,...I always have a note book with me, listing things do do, what to do, date when completed, daily responsibilities and future projects, (which I refer to constantly).

(please note my "page" for additional information)

For all the above is attributed directly to my AVM (un-treated) and my choice to have it monitored annually, (per neurosurgeon's advice/reccomendation)

Is it a handi-cap ? YES
Can I cope with it ? YES
Are my employers sympathetic and understanding of my AVM condition ? YES DEFINATELY !

So,..Melissa, I can completely understand your delimma, and please know you have my empathy and sympathy, as I suffer from the same conditions as yourself. But everyday,...I give thanks that I am still alive and plan to be for a very long time. Doing my best to live up to the expectations of my most favorite quote: "You are,...What You do,...When it counts" (cause' after all,...if it doesn't count, doesn't matter),...*wink*

Melissa,..stay strong.

Your friend,...


Hi Melissa, i would say what u r expereinces, happens to many, many stroke survivors, AVM or some other type. The brain has been damaged - storing data can be difficult without having a stroke let alone an AVM!

One of the most frustrating things for me, is following a joke. Those long, drawn out ones, when theres a quick final end pun. That can be very difficult storing the data, let alone the joke lol

If you are having trouble getting the right words out, cannot get the correct words, you coud be APHASIC - "Aphasia (play /əˈfeɪʒə/ or /əˈfeɪziə/, from ancient Greek ἀφασία (ἄφατος, ἀ- + φημί), "speechlessness"[1]) is an impairment of language ability. This class of language disorder ranges from having difficulty remembering words to being completely unable to speak, read, or write." It can be a common problem, ranging on the amount of damage. There are ways to get pass it tho - check out the "Aphasia - trade secrects" artcile.....

I to suffer with my memory alot! and i have had days where I simply dont know how to walk, i know where i want to go but its like my legs wont do what i want them to luckily this only happens rarely and is not an everyday thing. i did a little blog post for helping with memory issues but I still have not found a cure for the short term memory I guess its just a case of time and hopefully it will get better or at least when your old people will expect you to be forgetful lol