Hi Merl,
Thanks again for your help, I’m glad to hear that it worked out for you and it’s also quite relieving to hear someone else has experienced the same thing but still made a recovery I’m not sure how well I would be able to take the sarcastic joke of my girlfriend saying her memory is fine but yeah of course, I’m expecting there to be bad days, I don’t imagine this all to be plain sailing AT ALL. I know for sure it’s going to be harder some days than others, not really for us as her family but mainly for her. It’s going to be exhausting and extremely hard for her to get everything back as well as it can be, but we are all here for her! You mentioned photos being a good way to help regain memories. Im assuming you have read this in other posts but I was asked to send in photos of myself and of me and her yesterday, I’m assuming this is to help her start to remember people. So I guess it’s a good thing that they are already starting with that, do you think it would help if I also sent in pictures of things that we have done together and places we have been or is it too early for that? It’s been just under a week since she was fully woken up and only one day since she started some sort of minor rehabilitation so I’m not sure if it’s too early for that? The slideshow with the voice however is an amazing idea, and I will definitely suggest that to her mum. I doubt I will be allowed to send it in just yet but I could definitely start making it, it’s a great idea to have us talking to explain what’s happening in the picture thank you so much for the suggestion! It’s amazing that you remembered so much off of one picture about a dog hopefully the pictures we have sent in will have the same affect on my girlfriend
As for the access to technology I don’t think she has any. I know she has a TV but I think that’s about it right now. They did give her an iPad to watch Netflix on but I don’t think she is allowed to use it for anything else, if she even still has it.
Thank you so much for your reply though Merl, reading more and more really does help to understand the situation and calm me down. It’s nice to hear other people have had similar experiences to my girlfriend and have still made a good recovery
Hi! Having read the thread, I can tell you some of my experience in case it helps. I had access to an iPad but found initially it was all too much stimulation- just looking at it was enough! It was a good few weeks before I could actually watch something and even longer to pick up a book and read. I listened to music before I watched something- that didn’t use my eyes too so seemed easier. Everything was such an effort. Likewise talking to people - I would ignore phone calls etc because I just couldn’t face talking to anyone, too much energy needed. It was just nice to know people were thinking of me and texts/messages were better because I could read them as and when I felt able/ ready. Don’t feel anything is personal - it certainly isn’t! I was surprised how slow recovery was - even though I had been warned it is very different living it. Looking back over the last 9 months I’ve come a long way but still have so far to go. Speech therapy, physio and neuro physio were all important and although it is such an effort and although I felt like nothing was helping, it was so important to do the exercises every single day - looking back now I can see how it helped, and still is ( my neurophysio continues). Recovery will be long and slow but it is important to stay positive and keep trying. Good luck!
Ahh, now, PLEASE do not underestimate the family impact. Yes, the impact on her will be HUGE and although it is different, and it is often overlooked, the impact on family can often be even bigger. Learning how to manage those stresses and cope is a must. Trying to manage those stresses is not as simple as some people may think and if those stresses are not managed safely, they can build and build then become overwhelming and destructive. You still need time for ‘You’, so setting up ‘Me’ time each day to be able to process the day can be really helpful. I’m often telling members ’ If anybody ever tells you they know all about it, it’s a lie…'. As one member use to say ‘Brain Injury-You don’t know it until you’ve lived it’ and it’s so true. All of the textbooks in the world can’t give you the cold, hard reality of it all. It can be really shocking for everybody involved.
I’m actually quite glad everything went the way it did. . . It’s indescribable, but I recovered - I’m thankful every day for that
As far memory probs, that is one thing I have very “lucky” with - I’ve read a lot of folks posts on here with memory issues. Mine was the opposite - I remember everything that happened leading up & post rupture. It’s what gave me this awful medical PTSD - I can’t say it’s a good thing not to remember. But, - some things at this point I wish my brain just decided to leave out.
From the sounds of things, her recovery “might” take some time - but, this does not mean she will not recover well. Recovery after one of these is different for everyone & isn’t linear. It took over two years for me to feel like I do now - and, there are still days where I’ll have odd sensations.
Reading this stuff sure is hard for me - it’s kinda why I don’t come on here as often. I wish definitely nothing but the best for her, and you as well
@Joe any news on your girlfriend status? It’s been about 1.5 years since her rupture. Praying everything turned out well for her and your relationship.