This funny I guess but after treatment with two gamma knife sessions (I guess that is what you call it) my hair went from perfectly straight to wavy like I have a perm, but normally I curl it when I want it really curly like in my profile picture. This has to be the most wierd side effect! Did the hair on the top of the head change or any other physical side effect? That is one things I noticed! LYAO!!!Everyone
I just had my 3rd Gamma Knife treatment & my hair is still straight as a board.
I lost a patch of hair a couple of months after the first GK; didn't seem to have any hair issues after the 2nd GK; and now seem to be losing hair again--third GK 2.5 weeks ago.
I am not sure if was effected by the gamma knife or something else. I just thought I would ask everyone. Thanks for the reply!