Healthcare insurance

Just wondering if anyone has come across an insurer that will provide full healthcare cover for someone AVM free - 2 years after after surgery

My son had a haemmorage in 2008, and an AVM was diagnosed. It was removed 3 months later. 2 years on it redeveloped and was removed again. He is now 2 years AVM free … at the age of 10…

My sons medical bills have been covered by my company so far. I have a great new job offer, but can’t get him covered as his condition is diagnosed as congenital … So it’s limiting my ability to move on - unless I take a chance …

Would really appreciate anyones experience …

I don't understand, Nick's dad, I read that children's preexisting conditions have to be covered by insurance since 2010:

I wonder if you are being hustled by your employer or by the insurance company? Perhaps a call to your state representative or even to an attorney can help clarify this issue for you?

Thanks very much Dancermom. What I forgot to mention is that I live in Singapore - Originally from UK but I am working here for a few years … I was looking for any insurer that would reach this far …

But very glad to hear there is protection in place where you are …

Oh, that certainly does change things. Have you tried Medisave and Medishield?

Thanks for the connection to the article …
I have some medisave cover, but it’s actually quite basic … Also I found an AVM expert to operate on my son from Sydney - as limited ‘real’ experience on this small island … so we travelled both times … Medisave covers local only …

I appreciate the help very much