Here's a video on my discovery and surgery for my AVM

Great Vid, pretty that I didn’t see it before I started my journy of figuring out how to handle this.

I came to the same conclusions that you came to.

Thank you,

Great video I recently stumbled across… it’s always great to hear such great survivor stories as it helps so many dealing with this issue… God bless!

Hi Melinda, I’ve had almost a lifetime of seizures due to an AVM bleed at 14. All this can cause depression, anxiety… I’ve had very many anti-convulsant meds including kepra. It was a train-wreck for me emotionally and didn’t do better than others at controlling my seizures.
There are very many alternatives now so you needn’t feel you have to stick w/ kepra. Best wishes, Greg

Hi Man, Thanks for sharing your experiences and making the vid. I had a bleed at 14, 2 craniotomies, at least half a dozen arteriograms/angiograms (not sure of diff.), and seizures for 50 yrs from the scar tissue. I’ve had mental/emotional challenges, lots of meds., limitations…
I’m willing/able to share my experiences/insights to help others, especially since my experience/perspective is unique.
Please let me know if I can help in any way. Best wishes, Greg