How to best prepare emotionally and physically for an AVM Surgery?

Great tips! I’ll be devastated if they keep hospital restrictions going during that time. Selfish I know but hey

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Thanks very much Adrian

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@cmac one more thing my husband reminded me about.
I did have a small stroke after my first embolism. I was using sign language to tell the fellow dr that I was in terrible pain and no one knew sign language my nurse got my husband.
He then told them he didn’t know sign language and freakin did not know I knew sign language.
But we had talked about if I did have another stroke to give me pen and paper. Which he did and wrote down I was in pain and to get my stroke Dr.
But since he has learned some basic sign pain, thirsty, hungry, How are you , mother , father,
So he suggested you both learn some basic sign language, if you don’t already know some .


Hi Cmac, You’ve probably started the most effective preparation/encouragement possible-- reaching out for help and advice. It’s a habit that will serve you well in what may be a very difficult stretch.
Then again (this is me being peevish), you may need to be a bit more humble. When you say, “I may be a little naive but…” my Gd man!! We are all hugely naive, especially when it comes to this cauldron of emotions and physical helplessness/ pain.
Trust your instincts as much as humanly possible (but you still need information/knowledge.) Just try to find the sweet spot.
By the way, don’t worry, like all of us, you are going to make a ton of mistakes. Thanks for reaching out, Greg


Thanks Greg, Appreciate it!

5 posts were split to a new topic: PTSD and Medical Sensitivity Eek!


I’ve moved the tail end of this conversation to a new topic. I hope that helps.
