
Congrats ... isn't it an awesome feeling when you get the news. Here's hoping you will never forget the support you got on this site and keep coming back to support and inspire those who need your strength, spirit and positivity.

Stay safe and healthy



It is best to work with your medical team to ween off all meds , yes ?

Have you had a conversation with them as yet ? Call them and be happy and stay seizure free.....

HAPPY DANCING FOR YOU ! Be good to you . Take care of you .

This is my new favorite sentence. Good for you. Yay!

Congratulations! !!!


Don't stop the Pills!

First ask the Doctor. I think it's too early.


Congratulations! That’s cause to celebrate!

Elena, I'm so happy for you! AVM free is really great! By no means stop taking your Trileptal unless your doctor tells you to. I have a seizure disorder as well, and if I miss them I pay for it. I'm just happy to be alive, and since my craniotomies, my philosophy has changed as well. "If I can help one person in any way, I will be repaying those who freely gave when I needed them." Be sure to stop at http://mysite.verizon.net/~vze255sh/ to check out my experiences with AVM. I hope all continues to go well with you. This support board is a blessing to us all.

Rob Forsythe

Congratulations Elena I have been AVM free for a few months now… In October I had fount out I am also AVM free…

elena sygxarhthria vevaia gia to farmako tha sou pei o neurologos sou.plhroforiaka kai egw pairnw trileptal kai mou to ekopsan kapoia stigmh ton augousto tou 2010 kai ton septemvrio ekana krish vevaia pisteuw kathe periptwsh einai diaforetikh.


The only language I understand is English.

That’s wonderful news! Congratulations!