I'm alive and avm free

Hey everyone, just wanted to update everyone..my embos and resection of my avm ON 21st went well....yesteRDAY MADE TWO WEEKS since sx.... this has been such an experience..once i recover and fully focused i will write about my journey ..im just so blessed to be given a second chance i cant wait to get back to my normal self its been so hard to be kind to myself but im trying i know recovery takes time ..hope it makes me stronger..thank u all for ur thoughts ans prayers talk to u soon

Hi Nayleen. We have missed you!! Sooooo happy that you are alright!!!

Hurrah for you Nay! So glad to hear from you and to know that you are now AVM free!! Rest up and I look forward to hearing about your journey!

Rest, rest, rest & take care of you first, then when up to it, we'll be looking forward to hearing your journey. :)


Hooray! I'm glad you're up and writing so soon. Recovery takes time, like you say, but you're getting a great start!

Congratulations my friend, those great news!!!

It's always GREAT to read good news such as yours.

Congrat to you and your medical team.

Rest Rest Rest, don't overdue, and enjoy LIFE.

Ron, KS

Yea Nay!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you for staying strong and getting yourself through this!!!!! Keep being good to yourself and you will recover with leaps and bounds I am sure!!!! So happy for you! HUGS!!!!!!!!

Thats fantastic news...now go live your life & God bless....hope you stick around cause a lot of ppl here really need stories like this

Congratulations & Celebrations Nay....AVM FREE, fantastic news!! Lot's of rest is now required and I look forward to your story when you are feeling stronger....

So happy to hear that!!! Congrats!!!

Great News!!!

Congratulations!! Can you tell me any details and who performed your surgery? My husband has an extensive DAVF and has had 7 embolizations with continuation of cortical venous drainage. We're looking for a provider who could perhaps do surgery or offer us greater hope than just waiting...... any leads are most appreciated!

Wishing you continued health and the appreciation of each day!


Oh Nay...I'm so happy for you! Alive and AVM Free.....!!!!

That’s great to hear congratulations…do u feel a sense of responsibility to do something more with the second chance…

Congratulations, that's good news indeed. I have been free of AVM for four years, and I can perceive how you feel now, wish everyone on this community would be free soon.

It will make you stronger, recovery for me was tough and took a long time but it will get better. Congratulations being AVM free!

Congratulations! Truly we live an age of miracles. My husband also is very much alive and AVM free. We count our blessings every day and marvel at our second chance.