I had to be treated for club foot when I was little. Had to wear a brace for 2 years. And now this AVM thing. My oldest son was born with hypospadias (had 3 surgeries to try and correct). My youngest son had a benign hemangioma removed from below his left eye when he was 3 months old. It was growing fast and pushing up on his eye. I was just wondering if I may have given them my bad genes? Oh and my daddy has an extremely rare skin condition called Sweet's Syndrome. Is there something wrong with all of us?
I think it can be somewhat frequent. Personally, being 22 years old, I have had my AVM removed, two cardiac ablations, and a stomach surgery. All are issues I was born with. I know other people who may be the only one within their family to have numerous health issues.
LOL I don't mean that rudely either. It seems to me that people with AVMs are prone to rare events/diseases/conditions! Personally I have a few issues but no insurance to diagnose anything non-avm related (seizures and hemiparesis). I have discovered the a lot of my pre-avm "mysteries" were actually related to my AVM but since research says there are few symptoms and whatnot of avm (I totally don't believe that for a second) no Dr. will difinitively say, "yes, that was due to or related to the AVM." All I get is..."really, anything is possible but we can't be certain."
None of my kids, as far as I know, have an AVM BUT my oldest had what's known as pyloric stenosis. It's a super rare...uh, not quite deformity or malformation, that has to do with the stomach muscle being too tight, not allowing food to pass through. He almost never pooped, had projectile vomit and was so dehydrated by the time I finally got his dr. to realize there was a real problem and have him admitted to a hospital that the only vein not collapsed too much for an IV was in his head. At 28 days old he had stomach surgery. He also has some weird skin condition dr's for some reason can't identify. My youngest has double VSD (not so rare).
The doctors think that I was born with AVM .It is hard to deal with it everyday.