Is this normal?

My AVM is still active in the last three days I have not been feeling too well. My head feels like there is allot of pressure inside. The feeling has been constant every time i move my head I feel weird. Maybe it's motion sickness??? I dont feel like I am going to be sick and it's not a headache it's something else. It feels like...for example when you are seating on a plane and your ear feels funny, Well I am getting a same feeling but In my head. It's not painful but I cant relax, I cant concentrate, my vision gets blurry sometimes.

I dont Understand what is happening. Any Ideas?

Hi Neeti,

Are these new sensations/feelings, or have you had the same feelings for awhile? If they are new and unique, my suggestion would be go to a DR and ask.

You might also check your blood pressure. If it is higher than normal, that could cause these feelings.

Hope this helps.
Ron, KS

Hi Neeti,

I agree with Ron. I think you should call your dr. and get checked out. It might be something as simple as a migraine or some fluid in your ear. It could also be something else that's making you feel this way. Play it safe and call your dr. to be sure. My vision gets funky from one of two things - it's either a migraine or.. I have some swelling going in my brain. That happens quite a bit for me. A day or two of bed rest normally clears it up. Since I don't always listen, I often have it longer. :)


Better safe than sorry…call a doctor! Oh and let us know how it turns our. Otherwise we will worry about you. Thanks!

I have the pressure feelings as well. I treat it much like a migrane. It seems to get better if I lay still for a while.