Does anyone know how or where to get clear and concise answers on meds that are or are not safe for those of us with an AVM? New doc and an ER visit for a back strain has me concerned. I was told to never take any sort of blood thinner including NSAIDS. Since adhering to that advice I have not had another bleed. I had 5 prior to this. I was given a shot of Solumedrol for my back and sent home with lidocaine cream and prednisone. Now I can’t seem to find a clear answer on if any of this will thin or reduce coagulation of my blood. Any help please?
Robert in Lexington, KY
No blood thinners/NSAIDS? I also have no info on this, but I’d be very interested in knowing if I should be avoiding these. I’ve been periodically taking Ibuprofen. I suppose for now, I’ll stick to Tylenol and codeine. If my neurosurgeon ever returns my calls, I’ll add this to my list of questions for him and let you know what he said.
Yes at first they said this to me as well. But now that mine is sealed I am taking celebrex and I got permission to use Turmeric a few times a week. You need to discuss with your doctor. For me I first got blood clots in my brain which later blew out my left transverse sigmoid vein and got the AVM. So I two opposite things going on. So I only eat greens which are vit K a few times a week and I have a few beers a week.
I also take muscle relaxers at night and gabapentin at night
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen cautioning against these things. My reading of it is that such things do undoubtedly thin the blood and in the event of your AVM deciding to spring a leak, will go further, make a bigger mess inside than if the blood were normal consistency. Equally, treating you for a bleed when you have thinned blood MUST take longer / be more difficult. So, avoiding such things as a long term measure makes sense to me.
However, if your AVM is not already prone to bleeding and if to fight another short-term issue, an anti-inflammatory would do the trick, a doctor may use something like that, I don’t know.
Definitely worth the conversation with the doctor about their view of your specific risks rather than just using without thinking. There must be increased risk there. It may just depend on how significant the risk is for you.
I have an unruptured AVM that was found on a CT scan during a work up for head and neck pain that eventually led to a diagnosis of herniated cervical disc. My neck was very painful for a time, and I had told my neurosurgeon that Aleve (an NSAID) was really helping. He said that I could continue taking it for that. I asked if there was anything at all that I should avoid and he said cocaine and methamphetamines. Good thing I’m not a party animal.
It probably can thin the blood and could make a bleed worse, but the bleed would be caused by pressure in the case of an AVM and the bleeding I think would be most exacerbated by the arterial pressure. I don’t take Aleve unless I absolutely need to and I realize it’s a roll of the dice, but sometimes it’s worth it. Ice just doesn’t bring down the inflammation by itself. Best to you.
Thank you all for the replies. I was told at first just no aspirin after my third bleed I was told no NSAIDs. I have been very strict about avoiding thinners since and coincidentally have not had another bleed. May not be the reason but it at least makes me FEEL safer and that being proactive is working. My new primary care doc was trying to get me to take stuff that might prevent an eschemic stroke. Does that mean a hemoragic stroke is better? I highly doubt it. I will take my chances on eschemic if I am going to have another because I KNOW hemoragic strokes suck! I am in the Veteran’s healthcare system and have requested a new doctor.
@parrotsummer Glad you are getting a new doctor!