My son (14) had an AVM Stroke during swim practice


We’re with you. A few years ago, we had a couple of months where about a dozen people were saying they were off to surgery on one day, the next person a few days later and we filled a month or two. I counted people off to surgery and I counted them back. Everyone came back. However, I found it pretty stressful doing that (I haven’t done it since!!) Be assured that we are with you along the way.

I can’t say I’m the praying kind of person but there are many others here who are, so if concerted prayer would help you at all, do say so. It is best to ask for prayers in the “prayer & healing requests” category (because we try to keep this place very non-denominational and open to all, no less those of no religion as anyone of any).

The extent of that brainstem injury sounds like the point about which much will turn.

Sending you lots of love and patience!
