Needle phobia

Hi guys

I have extreme needle phobia ever since i was young and even now a simple blood test will take the nurses an hour just to get me to do it. And for my AVM treatment there will be lots of needles involved lol.. Whenever i get a blood test or anything with needles, i dosen't really hurt i mean if i would pinch my self it would hurt more but its more of a mental issue. Im really scared of needles and i need help with this so if you have any suggestions on how i may get over this will be really helpful.

Hi Aylen - I just recently had to have my blood taken - out of "habit" (since apparently blood sampling is a forte of mine now), I told the nurse that it's rare for anyone to find a vein in my arm, so they probably have to go through my hand - and I now know - due to my now forte - to request a butterfly needle...exciting stuff!

Something key for me is to ensure that I don't watch the blood or getting poked...just one of my things. Not sure if this will help you or not.

Also, I used to work with a lady who had a fear of heights and a fear of being in elevators - she took the stairs when possible - but was pretty difficult to avoid when one of the office buildings had 30 floors - she tried smelling a lemon - she said this helped a little - unsure why, but might be worth looking into.

Hi Aylen - I'm with Just Julie... Don't look while the nurse is taking your blood and close your eyes and think of being at an ocean at sunset:) Also, if you can sometimes have a friend/relative come with you to get your blood taken. Having a friend in the room should help to calm your nerves and after awhile, you will probably be okay or at least used to having your blood taken. Oh yeah... and don't forget to breathe deep. You can do Aylen!! Keep the faith.

Aylen, believe it or not, the best way to get over a needle phobia is to have a lot of exposure to needles. You essentially have to reprogram the part of your mind that says needles are terrifying. Confess your situation upfront to your doctors and nurses. They may be able to offer mild sedation to help with the fear initially. If you are having general anesthesia, they can wait to put in an IV until you are under; they offered my son that choice, since he was pediatric. Try to use meditation at home to stop overfocusing on your dread of needles. At the doctor's, have someone you love and trust with you, so you can hold their hand and look into their eyes. Try to "absent yourself" from the situation. Dissociate yourself from your mind by saying things like, "Oh, my brain is acting up again trying to convince me that needles are scary." You can do it!

Maybe listen to your fav music at the needle times as well??
ron, ks

To the breathing deep--I wanted to add: don't hold your breath, and exhale as they put the needle in. I don't have a needle phobia, but I usually do look away as they insert the needle.