New to Ben's Friends - April Webcast Schedule from the Cleveland Clinic

Join us for free live web chats with Cleveland Clinic physicians and health care professionals: For more information go to
Ben's Friends Partner John Stamler made a exceptional connection with the Cleveland Clinic for Ben's Friends Members. He and I have been working with the Cleveland Clinic to provide Webchats that Ben's Friends Members will find educational and informational. Everyone I have seen has been Incredible. We are also working to schedule specific Webchats on Ben's Friends Rare Disorders. Please give positive feedback to Ben's Friends and the Cleveland Clinic, so we can continue to make these connections with such cutting edge, prominent Medical Facilities.

04.01.13 Thyroid Disease Revisited - Mary Vouyiouklis, MD Rosemarie Metzger , MD

04.01.13 Heart Failure and Treatments - Maria Mountis DO, Nader Moazami MD

04.04.13 Current Practices in Head & Neck Cancers: Ask an Expert - Mumtaz Khan, MD

04.09.13 What You Need to Know about Foot & Ankle Health - James Sferra, MD

04.10.13 Ask the Thoracic Surgeon about Swallowing Surgery: GERD, esophageal cancer, achalasia reflux surgery - Siva Raja, MD, PhD

04.11.13 Fibromuscular Dysplacia (FMD) - Heather Gornik, MD and Pamela Mace, RN from FMDSA

04.16.13 Treating Prostate Cancer with Advanced Surgical Techniques - Barbara Ercole, MD

04.17.13 Organ Donation & Transplantation: Ask the Experts - Kareem Abu-Elmagd, MD, PhD and Gordon Bowen

04.18.13 Managing Pain from Neurological Disorders - Shrif Costandi, MD

04.23.13 Genetics and the Autistic Child - Thomas W. Frazier II, PhD and Timothy Moss, MD, PhD

04.24.13 Sarcoidosis - Daniel Culver, DO,Kristin Highland, MD

04.25.13 Lets Talk About Voice: Ask an Expert - Claudio Milstein, PhD

04.30.13 Foot and Ankle Health: Solutions to Help Keep You on Your Feet - Arjun Srinath, MD and Elizabeth Scheiber, DPM