Hey, new here! In short, my husband had an avm rupture in the left side of brain about 10 years ago. They went in and removed all the vessels and clipped everything off etc…he lost his right side vision in both eyes and suffers from both apraxia and aphasia of speech. He was partially paralyzed on his right side but feeling came back quickly. My question is, ever since the surgery he has had slight tingly/numbness on his right side, but all the sudden yesterday the numbness got worse and even made his right side of his face numb. We went to ER and ct showed no bleed. Went to nuero doc today and he thinks seizure? Stroke? Migraine? Not sure. He scheduled an MRI and EEG. Anyone else have any thoughts on why all the sudden after 10 years the numbness would get worse? Did an avm reappear? I’m just worried sick and looking for some answers. Thanks guys!!! Im typing on my phone so I hope I captured everything correctly!!
The MRI and/or the EEG should show if the AVM returned. Try to relax (I know this is hard to do). While we're not doctors we know enough to say that those two tests will indicate that. Ask more questions of your doctor and know we're always here for both you and your husband no matter what the outcome. Stay strong and if I haven't said it yet, welcome :)
It’s good you took him to see doctors! It’s not unheard of for people to develop a seizure disorder this long after his surgery. Unusual certainly but not impossible. The EEG should be able to determine if there is seizure activity. Sounds like the neurologist is on top of it and taking your concerns seriously. Please let is know how it all goes.
Thank you both! Just reading online, weakness and tingling seem to be a sure sign of another avm. I hope I’m wrong, but it just seems like that would be the most logical explication. Of course I’m terrified! I didn’t realize until today that this could happen again. Lucky to find it before it burst this time (assuming thats what it is) but I’m afraid of what comes next. The MRI wont be until next week.
Hi!. Sounds like seizure activity. It does not have to manifest into a full blown seizure to have some symptoms. Might need a medication adjustment since there was no bleed. My doctors told me a re-bleed is common but usually occurs pretty soon after the first, not ten years later. I'm no doctor. Just saying what I was told by doctors. I hope he is OK. Let us know.
Thank you all! I hope and pray that it is nothing major! He did mention to me today that the numbness seems to be worse when he's stressed. I'm not sure how that might play into the equation?!?
Unlikely it is another AVM. AVMs are thought to be congenital, meaning you're born with them. If he's already had numerous MRIs I would think they would have seen any and all AVMs that might be lurking in his brain. Brain AVMs can grow back, very, very rarely, and only if there is any portion of the original AVM remaining after the original treatment. If your husband was told that his AVM was completely gone, it's unlikely that this would be an indication of AVM presence.
Thank you!! That makes me feel better Trish! I think he had an angiogram after the surgery to confirm they were all gone and they were. Not knowing much about this condition or how the brain works, I'm just searching for answers on this numbness bit. I feel like I don't want to leave him alone and I'm constantly asking him how he feels and how the numbness is. I'm just terrified of another bleed. :-(
I think you're allowed to be terrified, considering what you've both been through. But try to relax a little. The AVM is gone, it's not possible to have another bleed from that. I think when he has the MRI and EEG you'll find out more.
I need to stop researching online, I have now convinced myself he has MS! Ugh!!!
Hi. Welcome to the site. First, try not to ask too many questions of your husband and try to keep him active. Working around the house, going for a walk. Whatever he thinks he can do. Otherwise he will sit around and wait for you to do something for him.
As for the dr's, if the ct shows no bleed, I'm inclined to think there isn't one, however, AVM's have a tendency to "regrow" by recruiting other vessels to provide the blood flow it used to get. Make sure your dr's are telling you what they know, not what they think you want to hear. Keep asking questions of them and make them work! It's their job! Good luck!