At first I thought maybe it was the keppra stopping seizures or some other strange things going on. After much research and discussion with the doctor we figured out they were panic attacks. I have problems breathing ( having to think about taking breaths)’ get really warm, feel dizzy, etc. it happens right before bed or when I go to bed. It’s during the time when I have time to think. Is it just me or have others had this problem. I think it is worse because I am still waiting on the neuro team to see if there is anything they can do for me.
Hi Kuscat,
I suffer with chronic anxiety. Thanks to Mr. Avm. I'm on .25mg of Xanax for it. It works really well for me. I have a few friends who are also on it and they have good success with it too. You may want to ask your dr. about it.
I want to tell you also, that I can only take one pill a day. If I take any more than that. I have a good chance of going into a gran-mal. That has happened to me more than once. I doubt if you would have that problem because I'm over-sensitive to all medicines. But, I did want you to know that so you can talk to your dr. about it.
I'm the mom not the patient, but during my son's illness I suffered panic attacks. I was totally amazed by the lack of control I had over this part of my life. To have my heart start palpitating uncontrollably just thinking about what he was going through was beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. I've had to take a med. to get it under control. I always considered myself to be extremely strong and able to take on anything. I couldn't believe that I could, in a sense, "betray" myself this way. Keep the conversation open with the doctor and consider finding someone to talk it out with. I requested help from family during the toughest moments. They helped distract me at the times I needed distracting so I wasn't thinking too much. Maybe you might benefit from a sleep aide if appropriate for your situation so you're able to get to sleep quicker.
I have started to have panic attacks and like Brett’s mum I thought I was tough but ever since I had heart surgery ( angiogram) I have suffered palpitations I take 2.5mg of beta blockers and it has helped me.
I get so anxious that I start thinking things are wrong with me as I too struggled to take a breath at times which like yourself is when I’m alone at night.
I have researched avms and they can cause your heart to work faster as blood is pushed through the AVM rather than doing a full circuit of the body.