Please reply is there anybody who regained sensory loss after AVM?

I lost all my sensory inputs in my both legs. Now, after two years; I can feel pain in my legs but not any fine touch. I think it is slowly regaining please share your experience.

I get times now and then in my arms that I lose sense of touch. My neuro doesn’t seem concerned at all but I know its enough to freak me out! I just keep telling myself that the brain is an amazing thing and as long as it looks normal I guess I will just try to breathe! Good luck. Hope it helps.

Sorry you're going through this.
Since my bleed & surgery in the thalamus (near the brainstem) I've had numbness in my entire left-side, along with hypersensitivity to touch and a constant burning, tingling, stabbing pain that's known as, central pain syndrome, CPS
?If? the pain you're experiencing is CPS, there are meds your neuro may try to help relieve the pain.
Hope this helps.

Thank for your concern; I regained strength to my legs (i can do 25-30 situp in a row) But still I have some difficulty in walking which, I think is due to sensory loss. I have difficulty in balancing when my eyes closed or in darkness. If anybody is experiencing same please replay. All kind of suggestions are welcome.

I have issues with my proprioception since my bleed and surgery to have an AVM removed from my Cerebellum. I, too, have sensory problems in my legs and arms; mostly with temperatures, though. I’ve been able to figure out that my right side and recently an area on the top of my left arm feels temperature, and my left side feels some pain. This really comes in handy when I burn myself on the oven rack or slam my thumb in a car door and it doesn’t hurt!

As far as walking goes, I feel like I’m always on a tightrope. My mother-in-law says that I walk like a drunken sailor; I have to wonder if she spent alot of time around the shipyards to know.

Anyway, my sensations are changing all the time. I’m very fond of saying that Neuroplasity is my new best friend. I take vitamins to help speed things along, but I mostly think that I just making my urine more expensive.

Sorry that I don’t have any suggestions. I’m just trying to adapt to a new normal that always seems to be changing!

Me too have difficulty with temperatures. Like in the movie 50/50 placing a hot mug on lap is a serous issue. Earlier this year I regained pain in some areas, I marked those areas and tried to make pain by pinching or massaging and i believe that worked to some extend.
The idea is that motor neurons recovers first because it receive constant inputs from brain. And sensory neurons receive inputs from outside and carry that to brain, right? So as we gave more inputs (pinching) there is a chance of speeding-up recovery. Well its just my opinion you can try if you want to. If you try please let me know the results

Where are you ?

Did you Visit NIMHANS at Bangalore?

my doc told there is nothing we can do to regain sensory loss. I got muscular strength but without fine sensory input very difficult to walk. I completed my Mphil in biophysics from NIMHANS bangalore. I was planning to go there but things escalated within few days and I was rushed to SRM chennai for a embolization.

I have no pain / cold-hot feeling in my right leg (foot to hip) too. But after neary 1 year, from the top the feeling comes back - perhaps 3 cm in this 11 months. Funny thing is: I can feel a fly on my skin. But no pain.... Think/Hope we have a big chance cause I dont believe in the "6-12 months" rule.

Best for you !

yes we can regain sensory loss but to what extend. there is one little experiment. ask somebody to place two pencil or something on your leg, see you can distinguish between the two points. then slowly move it near to one another. identify the least distance you can distinguish the two points. for me it is 20-15 cm

I am in a very similar position. I am walking with a limp. left leg is 50-80% paralyzed. It has been 8 years since my second surgery and had improvement for the first 6 months to a year there was some sensory gain but for the last 7 years I would say things slowly worsen. I have a bladder of a 80 year old says my urologist. Not sure if from medication or nerve damage.I do however have pain in my left hip and right leg. Right leg is more of a nerve damage sensation.burning/sleepy feel. It hurts to have a blanket touch my right toes.They prescribed lyrica for the right leg.Morphine for the rest.

Let me know if there is any other info I could help with.