Question about pain after craniotomy

My headaches and pain around incision seeem to be getting better each day. I also weaned myself off of Percocet. I am very sensitive to meds and get rebound headaches from Tyelenol products and those containing acetomeniphen. So my headaches seem even better off of the Percocet. Just wondering if you found pain tolerable over time without meds. I have been trying relaxation and meditation and it helps some. I have so many questions since my crani. This group is so helpful.

I use to have headaches a lot during the first year and a half after mine. I was on Percocet while I recovered, but I'm really sensitive to that, I took 1 pill and I couldn't do anything for 2 days. after that I gave them back to my doctor. I still have headaches but not as bad as I use to. if I feel one coming on I would drink 1 cup of coffee. Advil and 500mg Motrin are my best friends.
also you might want to get your blood flowing. get out and walk or ride a bike(trike)

Thanks for your reply. I am going out for a walk outside-I think that will help.