Steve parrys avm story

Hi all avm survivors first of all i would like to thank every 1 for welcoming me in to this fantastic site and the support every 1 gives each other .
just been looking through my surgeons (consultants) reports from my surgery in july 2010 1. Thoracic intrinsic spinal cord lesion 2. Resection of spinal cord lesion x2
3.diagnosis small micro spinal AVM T9/T10 section its amazing what we keep hidden away . Also T9/T10 Laminectomy and exploratory biopsy of gliotic cord not sure what all that means and operation Re-exploration of T9/T10 thoracic cord and excision of intra-medu ? Reading 1 of my follow up appointments after my surgerys and scan report
hope some 1 can help me understand this next part as follows: the high signal within the lower thoracic cord extending up to T9 persists as do prominent flow voids. following contrast enhancement within the cord at T9/T10 and the MR angiogram also suggest the possibility of a residual vessel at T9 level extending in to the spinal canal and this is thought to be a small residuum of the fistula ? Its been almost 2 yrs since my surgery i feel i have done amazing according to my surgeon ,friends and family . I went through extensive physio where i was expected to be in rehab 6 months + luckily with my determination i spent 6 weeks in there since my stay in rehab almost 2 yrs ago i was told i would never walk again against all the odds i can walk with 2 sticks 10-20 meters resting in between although i have no feeling in my feet the way i explain this is like a hovercraft strange feeling but i adapted to this pretty quickly and well... Never say Never !!! I also have no feeling in my private regions which i found very difficult and upsetting to deal with and was told after 2yrs if the feeling had not come back i would never get it back my 2 yrs is up in july and no feeling back yet ? Being a man married or not the thought of no sexual intercourse with my partner permanent erectile dysfunction was mind blowing thankfully i have a fantastic understanding wife ,and i am thankful i am still here and to tell my story to other sufferers and hopefully my story will help others gain the determination ,strength ,and courage to make there lives better and never give up
I lost my job , my home is on the market ,i cant get upstairs to bath or shower ,i have washed daily out of a bowl for almost 2 yrs, i sleep in my lounge, and use a camode which is in my lounge,due to me not being able to do my job as a painter&decorator iam unable to pay my mortgage, the effects avms have and yet what financial support is there ? on a positive note i drive my adapted car no more having to rely on others , i play wheelchair table tennis competitive against able bodied players,i swim weekly 100 lengths +just using my arms and upper body strength,i also go to the gym and lift weights , not bad for 46 haha ..DONT GIVE UP keep your spirits high and keep occupied remember you are not on your own .. HOPE my story hasnt offended any 1 in any way x Thankyou to all who read my article we are all amazing survivors xx

Hi Steve! Thank you for sharing your story with us AVM survivors :)!

I admire your positive, can-do spirit, Steve!
Thanks for sharing your story.

THANKS Patti for taking the time to read my story its always best to think positive we all have our off days hope my story as raised your spirits "Keep smiling" x

Hi michele thank you for reading my story hope it gave you inspiration "Keep smiling" x

Hi! I have no answers to your questions and I have no idea what those reports mean, sorry. But, I do appreciate your story:) and how positive you are. I don't think you should listen to that 2 year mark though....there's always a chance, a possibility. I just think a time limit, an earmarked date for the end of a chance of success would weaken a persons motivation. I hope you don't stop working on getting feeling back (on ANY level) just because the books say " most cases." I'm hoping the best for you and your wife.

HI kristi , sorry i havent replied sooner .. THANKYOU for taking the time to read my story and for your kind thoughts i appreciate your comments x

Your encouragement is really wonderful, thanks!

hi drey a BIG thankyou for taking the time to read my story and thankyou for your comment ...
we are all wonderful keep in touch x

so sorry u lost your job and possible may have to move home.

Hi rich, thanks for reading my story , i look at life now as a second chance and theres always some 1 else in far worst situations Thankfully im here to share my avm experience with others ... my home is only bricks and mortar ,and my job ,.. i will achieve something else 1 day .. Hope you are staying strong and well keep in touch cheers ...