Hi Suzy, thank for your kind words and support. I think i'll always have questions. I have as you can imagine tried to make connections between Denise's drugs and her treatment.
I feel that because Denise had an AVM it was always at the forefront of the Doctors minds, they did not consider that something else may be amiss.
My heart dropped when you had to take your wife off of life support. I am so sorry for you. I feel as if Doctors take a hit or miss when treating disorders/diseases. May her soul raise toward the heavens <3 -Gandhi
I am speechless and words can not and WILL NEVER be able to explain my sympathy for you and your family. Please be strong and keep faith in God my friend. It is indeed a sad story and i wish the outcome could of been much better.
My deepest condolences and live strong. She's in a better place is very cliche' but she is and this should be a wake up call for everyone in life that tomorrow is never guarenteed.
God bless once again and you will be in my prayers.
I’m so sad to hear about your wife Clive. I’m sure Denise would have been comforted to have you and your daughters with her throughout. At least she is no longer suffering. I have sent you a friend request as I see you are also in Kent. Thinking of you and your family. Karen
My daughter's boyfriend's sister just died of a undetected brain aneurysm on Sunday. The family also had to make to painful decison to take her off of life support when there was no brain activity.
Like you, I'm still working through the confusion Amy's death has caused in my mind. It was unbearable for the first few days, but today, thanks in part to the responses to my post in here about her death, it is somewhat easier to cope with today.
Thank you Debbie, there is great support on here and some very good knowledge about the condition. I joined hoping to find some answers, i think there will always be questions and i believe time does'nt always heal but it makes it easier.
I think making a end of life decision must be one of lifes hardest choices to make. Even though the Doctors were telling us everyday it was a hopeless situation we were at her bedside every day praying for a miracle looking for signs of movement.
As hard as it is we are coming to understand it was the right decision, even if she had regained some degree of conciousness it would not have been the wife, mother we knew.
So i have great empathy for your daughters boyfriends family, life can be so cruel sometimes.
Hello pedrothefisherman! I am deeply sorry for your wife's very untimely death and my heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family! There are certainly some things that are so very hard to accept with life and after reading thru your story, this is certainly one of them. Sounds like your wife's AVM treatements were going so well until Life threw her and you another curveball - this is part of life that we'll just never be able to understand :(!
Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt story. I have Faith that your wife is now in her eternal and able to rest so peacefully and will be praying that, with time, you will find strength to persevere thru your loss and eventually find Peace!
I am truly sorry to hear about your tragedy. in my opinion, the dexamethasone might not have had anything to do with your wife's encephalopathy because if they hadnt given her the dexa, brain edema would have been a problem. Here in the philippines though, mannitol is used primarily to combat edema (im a nurse)rather than dexa. You and your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing, i now know i have to take my avm more seriously. God bless
Hi Eileen, thank you for taking the trouble to write to me. It is coming up to the anniversary of Denises death and this time last year she was in a coma, it is a difficult time at the moment particularly for my daughters, i have a bitterness about the whole thing when i consider what might have been.
People say to me as a consolation that the doctors will have learnt from my wifes case, i know they mean well but its little consolation to me.
I'm afraid that this was not the first time my wife fell foul of Doctors, she had a hysterectomy a few years back that went wrong and left her permanently disabled i became her full time carer for over ten years until she died.
I'm glad that your condition was recognised and treated accordingly, i suppose we have to trust our Doctors. Now i have become a little cynical of their profession and would not take any diagnosis or treatment given to me or my close family at face value.
Thank you for your prayers and kind words and i hope that life is treating you well.
I wish I could be of some help in giving you a direction to look in but it does sound like you are on the right track. It also sounds like you may want to talk with a lawyer and see if your wife's dr would have admitted her to the hospital she would have received more than water therefore possibly preventing her passing? You did everything the Dr told you to do, just like my husband would have! But no one will know that for sure until they do some digging around?!? My heart goes out to you and your daughters and this sadly could be one of us one day and that is something we all forget and this makes it all so real. Many prayers and hugs to you. Stay strong and I hope and pray that you get the answers you and your family SO DESERVE!!!!