Tinglely Minty sensation - anyone else?

This sounds really strange but this odd tingling minty sensation has gone on for two weeks or more now. I had an AVM in my cerebellum that caused a stroke, in nov, then I had brain surgery in April to remove it. I have had trouble swallowing but that has gotten better, but suddenly i have had this tingley sensation on my lips and inside my mouth, just like eating a really strong mint but it is constant. I ignored it for a while because it sounds like a stupid symptom (and not altogether bad) but it has gotten annoying and makes things taste wierd sometimes. I finally made an appointment with both a nuerologist and my densit today since i have no idea if it is related to AVM or something else. But I was curious if anyone else had anything odd like this. (I know it is a way better symptom than not being able to walk, which i also struggled with and i have gone from a walker to a cane to walking on my own again although im certain i look drunk to people as my balance is still effected) Just Curious!

I have the tingling numbness in the right half of my face & tongue. I had surgery for a brainstem avm and have had the tingling since then. I also have a pins and needles feeling in my feet and toes.

The only thing I had that was even close to what you are talking about was after a seizure in my left arm. A few minutes after the seizure the underneath left side of my tongue and around the outer lips and mouth were tingly and kind of numb. I am glad to hear you made an appointment. It sounds like it might be a neurological thing. I think as the brain is healing from the surgery all kinds of unusual things can happen. I hope they figure it out soon. I bet that is annoying and it doesn’t sound stupid at all to do something to find out what is going on. Keep us posted on what you find out.

It is all those great little nerves in your face growing back. It is the strangest feeling. When they remake their connections everything will feel intensified. The wind in my hair pulling on the skin around my scar is the craziest feeling! Jenny I have the same problem with my sense of taste. Ugh it drives me nuts! I like to taste stuff. That and my sense of smell is off. Which may also be messing up my taste, but it is all slowly coming back.

Thanks all, this is really helpful to know! I went to a dentist today for the first time in over 5 years (my dentist office got washed away in Katrina and I never got a new one til now). They were facinated by my AVM & stroke & resection surgery and were very helpful. After xrays, and regular cleaning they couldnt believe how great my teeth & gums look after years of neglect. The dentist even said I used all my unluckiness on my brain and got really lucky with my teeth (I wanted to kiss him for this because most people like to tell me im lucky after hearing about the entire ordeal, and lucky is not at all what i feel after this trama, happy to survive, relieved i can walk again, but hell no, not lucky). But yes, i did get lucky with my teeth, no cavities, gums & teeth look great. But they this the numbness and tingly minty sensation must be neurological…at least it got me to go to the dentist… because that scraping of the teeth is just as awful as i remember it (well maybe worse with all the sensitivity)

Hello Larissa! Last monday, I was chewing on a stick of spearmint gum and I felt the mint go up to my right temple to my surgery site and it has been bugging me since! Even today, i swear the mint has travelled down to my ear! I know we have different situations but I do believe mines is neurological too, please keep us posted! Oh! And I have issues with toothpaste, orange juice and strawberries. I asked my neuri and she said to avoid foods that were painful for me! And I'm thinking "no kidding sherlock" LOL :)

Thanks all! Your thoughts are helpful! The minty sentation still comes and goes, but it is mostly when i am tired at the end of a day. Also, i sometimes get a constant thirst thing. I had a bunch of blood tests done to make sure that was not something else. And a very "helpful" nurse asked me if i had tired driking more water. Just like you "mad lynn" I was like, "no shit sherlock, like you think i didn't try that before making a doctor appt?" Anyways, like jamie says, i just decided that this is just the brain doing it's thing, and my sentations might be off sometimes, but noting to worry to much about, just happy i can walk again.