Topomax for seizure?

At first Topomax was good for me but after 4 or 5 mouths on it I turned into a mess. Confussion, dark thoughts. Was not good for me. Some poeple it works grate for other well not good at all.

Thank you, Daniel, we probably have to try a few before we find the right one for her.

Ive been on Topamax for almost 3 years and I had every side effect, the bad taste, the hair loss, the weight loss, the tingling(which is due to your c02 level decreasing), memory problems and tiredness. They all got better and I have only had one break through seizure and that was because of my radiation. Im pro-topamax. The side effects all get better and really arent that bad. I take 200 mg daily- 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg at night. So definately if she wants to change I would recommend topamax

Maria, I have been taking Toprimate (Topamax), since Jan of 2010... I am using it in conjunction with Lamictal for adult onset Epilepsy due to my AVM location in my Left Insular Cortex. The Topamax has not given me any significant side effects. My Neurologist and Neurosurgeon also put me on .5mg of Lorazapam to aid in any anxiety and related side effects. My Topomax dose is 150mg 2x daily (300mg total). It also seems to have less side effects at high doses...don't know why. Hope this helps
RK0130 (Rob)

Thanks Xtinnne for your info. At this point I deff. Think we will have to give it a shot . The Keppra just has too much bad side effects for her . Today we will see her doctor and have a discussion about it and change her Meds for good.

Thanks Rko, the info does help a lot . I wanted to know the dosage what you all use for seizures, because I use Topamax for my back and I take 100 mg daily and I have memory issues with that. Not too bad, tolerable. So I was wondering if higher dose was needed would that create even more memory issues for my daughter?

I think your doctor needs to switch you to a different medication instead of topamax due to the side effects you are having. This message is to Danine. There are a lot of medications out there. It's all 'trial and error' until you find one that works for you with little to no side effects. Everyone reacts differently to medications.

I was put on Topomax for headaches, it's nickname is "dopomax" and had that effect on me. I was on it for 4 weeks with MG strenth increasing by week. I got no relief from Topomax,M&M's would have had the same effect. I was informed by my Neurologist that there was a high probability of a seizure post embolization, Topomax was not one of the meds he mentioned to control seizures. Hope this helps.

My seizures began after the surgury. I am taking 430mg of Dilantin.