Thanks Gavin"s mom! I am sending you a private message.
Thanks Greg! Yes very limited.. Pretty much radiation or leave it alone but since he had a stroke in Jan. 11, 2013 at 6years old, leaving it alone is not a good idea since his lifetime risk for another bleed is great :(
Thanks Lala!
Thanks Holly!
Thanks Old Gator!
We are from San Diego. My daughter had avm removal surgery in July, 2013. We used doctor V. Tantuwaya. His office is in Poway. She has had almost 100% recovery, when at one point we thought we would be losing her due to the initial bleed. He has a practicing neurosurgeon brother in Temecula, not to confuse the two. I recommend a second opinion. Well wishes!!!
Thanks Momof5!
Thanks Susan! Sorry to hear about what you have been through. I am glad your AVM is gone!
I have decided that waiting is not an option since he already had a stroke at age 6years old. I also saw Dr. Neil Martin, after talking to Loma Linda and Choc hospital. We are choosing to do the Novalis treatment with UCLA. In five radiation treatments. I like the fact that they use a mask vs. the halo device.
Thanks Loving Life! Loma Linda and Choc did not recommend surgery since it was it too big and deep. We are going with UCLA for radiation treatment. Hopefully it works and he does not have any side effects. Just so scary!
My 13 year old son had an embolization, last month, at UCLA w/Dr N.Gonzalez. He is very good (as is UCLA). He had surgery at Children's Hospital L.A., very close by. Have you checked their pediatric neurology for a second opinion? They are very good, as well. Best wishes to you.
Hello, my daughter age 15, had an avm rupture. We live in new York and were sent to see Dr. spetzler in Phoenix , Arizona. You can send him your child’s medical records and scans they will review them and contact you. In my daughters case we ended up going to Phoenix were he resected the AVM. He is an expert in AVM’s Please look into it. Hope this helps.