Upcoming craniotomy

I totally agree with you! I am glad they did cancel it because I was afraid of being exposed. Thank you

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I’m sorry but why is it exactly that you think it is unnecessary?

Craniotomy for a DAVF nowadays is very uncommon. I also wouldn’t go back to the same place if they created a perforation. There is a huge difference in quality of treatment for DAVF and AVM, depending on who you go to. Speaking from my own experience, during my 2nd procedure, they did not fully embolize my fistula, and unintentionally embolized some arteries for my scalp. This ended up making the fistula much worse than it was initially. I had relatively poor treatment. I got another 2nd opinion and went elsewhere (which is where I still go now, and they are excellent). Due to the previous embo, there weren’t really any easy routes to embolize the fistula, it made the procedure much more difficult, but they didn’t resort to open surgery, they were skilled enough to complete resolve the fistula endovascularly.

This is why I believe you might not need a craniotomy. It’s worth investigating, at the very least. I can give you some names privately, if you would like. One of the doctors that treated me is in North Carolina now also.

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I appreciate that you think you are helping me but my situation is not yours. You don’t know what my scans look like or the treatments I have been given only what little I have stated on here. As I have stated I have had several doctors opinions. I have had excellent treatment and I’m at one of the best hospitals. At this point you are only stressing me out more.

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just remember none of us are neurosurgeons and everybody has an opinion based on their experience so take it with a grain of salt and do what is best for you based on the information that you are provided ;every situation is a little different so stay strong, don’t feed into the fear and make a non-emotional/ rational decision based on the facts and YOUR instincts.


Ok, I apologize. I admit I know very little of your situation. I don’t want you to be stressed. I’m sure everything will work out well and you will be past this soon.

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I do truly appreciate the heart and concern behind your posts. Truthfully. Thank you.