Weather Related Symptoms-Stormy/Cloudy weather makes me weak and more off balance

I had to tell my physical therapist how the weather effects me. I am so much more wobbly when I walk during rainy/stormy days. She understands now.


Kathryn said:

I live in Florida and I can always tell if a serious storm is going to roll through or just an everyday-in-the-summer shower. The change is pressure always throws me off and brings discomfort. Thank you for posting this discussion because now I know I’m not the only one. It’ll be easier to tell myself, “It’s just the weather, it’ll pass” and actually believe it.

I live in Florida as well, I can tell when the weather is going to change as well. I get really dizzy, and sometimes it causes me to have really bad anxeity. Most times im off balanced, not enough were i cant walk but enough were it bothers me.

The weather bothers a lot of avmers.
I found out when the barometric pressure changes outside, it changes in your body as well.
We can really be bothered by barometric changes, just like people with arthritis is bothered by the weather.
