My crani was to clip 2 aneurysms, not for my AVM.
Apparently, I thought everyone was too loud & shushed my mom & my husband after waking. (I'm sound sensitive when I have migraines. Lack of food is a trigger, and it was supper time when I started waking up & actually remembering it.)
My incision started near my right eye, and my right eye was swollen completely shut. I had difficulty opening my mouth & chewing. I don't remember my throat being sore upon waking, but I had very dry chapped & cracked lips.
I was in the hospital from the wee hours of a Wednesday morning until about noon that Saturday. Family fed our dogs for us during that time. When I came home, my husband closed the dogs up in the bedroom so I could get from the car to the house, and into the house and onto the couch. He had to "guard" me to keep them from jumping on me at first. (Three Akitas--smallest is 65 lbs.)
At the time, I had hair past my waist. I french braided it before going to the hospital on the day of surgery. I took it down, brushed it out, and rebraided about 5 days post surgery. A week and a half after surgery, I went to my hairdresser, and she washed it for me. Just going "into town" (5 miles away) & getting my hair washed exhausted me. My husband helped me bathe for the first week or so post surgery.
My mom stayed with me until 2 weeks post surgery when I had my stitches & staple removed. I still wasn't driving yet & had my husband drive me around for another week or so.
The biggest dog show of the year in Houston was 2 weeks post surgery. I borrowed an electric wheelchair to get around the show. Getting my stitches out + going to the dog show wore me out & I spent the next day in bed, but was back at the dog show (in my electric chair for the remaining 3 days of the show.)
Honestly--I spent a LOT of time in bed with an ice pack for the first couple of weeks. Not being able to eat much + surgery kept my head hurting quite a bit. My husband works from home, so I always had someone to help me out,if needed.
Four weeks post surgery, I was dring the 40 miles into Houston to attend dance class. (First time kicked my butt & wore me out!)