Will surgery on my AVM help improve my short term memory?
I have an AVM (in my right frontal lobe) have ALWAYS had a terrible short term memory. I have also recently discovered that my lack of perception is actually sensory processing/sensory integration disorder. When I watch T.V. shows, it is hard for me to remember similar faces so that I can know who the 'bad guys' and 'good guys' are. I wonder sometimes if it is just another symptom of my terrible short term memory or really is sensory processing issues. I live by Rochester, Minnesota, and I am being referred.
My aunt has epilepsy, and my son has a cisterna-magma. At my 8th month ultrasound I was told he had a Dandy Walker cyst, but that proved to be untrue. He is brilliant and does NOT have Dandy Walker Syndrome. From what I read, these are related to AVM in that they have tangled blood vessels.
Could this be hereditary?
I was in a bike accident, and it was an incidental finding. If Mayo Clinic chooses to do the surgery, can it improve my short term memory?