I haven’t posted in here in a while. My mom had a AVM removal April 29,2021. She was in Neuro ICU for 75 days and headed to Rehab at Madonna in Nebraska. They did her awful. I found a hole in her feeding tube- she wasn’t getting her seizure medication and luckily I am a nurse and caught her seizure. She was rushed to a rural hospital and seized for over an hour. That was her downfall. I thought she was going to come home. Well 10 months later she is still in a skilled facility but the last month has made “improvement”? She has been talking more and making more sense, it’s weird. I am trying to be realistic but can this happen? They said it could take years for her brain to be back to normal. Is this just false hope? I am really at a loss. Even if she is 50% back to normal I would take that. I just don’t know what to think and no one can give me answers, we are all puzzled.
Any honest thoughts would be appreciated, as well as prayers. Thank you
Thank you for sharing your mum’s story. I’m sorry she is so unwell, and I remember you saying some time ago that she was not making the progress you’d want.
The one thought I’ve got to offer you is a film that was shown on BBC a few years ago about Richard Gray, a former soldier, who had a stroke and his recovery from it. There is a recording of it available here: My Amazing Brain
I don’t know how long Richard’s first stage of recovery took but overall, the film shows his recovery over 3 or 4 years. And my reading of the film is that in his case, it was his cranioplasty that led to him starting to recover.
I hope this might be a useful film to show you a real example of how long it takes but also how much better Richard is by the end.
*It is difficult to watch but I hope useful, helpful.