11 Days left to the big day. It´s getting closer. Had a really good day today. First a friend, a woman from same parts of sweden as me, an I got permission to leave the nursing ward to go to the cafeteria. So I sat down in a weelchair and kicki pushed em down to the entrance. We bought icecream and just sat there and watched the people go by. It was so wounderful to leave the ward and see something else than sick people with bandage around theire heads. We were both so happy when we walked back to our ward.
Then Annie came and we took another walk down to the cafeteria. This time I used tha weelchair to hold on to, and sat down when I felt tired. And when we went back to the ward I walked all the way. We played some cards and talked about all and nothing. Felt so good do finally do something valuable. Now I´m soooo tired I think I´m gonna sleep really good tonight. Talked to my darling. He had been at the neighbours. god I felt so jealous. I to want to be there. Drink a glas of wine and play a hand of cards:( But soon I´m coming home and then were gonna can play card again. Lucky me that Annie lives so close so she can come and cheer me up and play some cards. Oh and my voice has been really good today to. Goes up and down but more up:) Feels good but I dont dare to jump high before this is over. But atleast I know that my brain isn´t damage and that my speech can come back. Miss you all. Lots of love /
Älskar er och saknar er, ska kämpa oss igenom det här sen kommer jag hem frisk och kry igen puss och kram