1st app with neurologist after gamma knife

Hi all,
So I have finally got an appointment with the neurologist
after two rounds of gamma, I am 16mths post gamma
From my first dose and 8 mths from my last dose. My
Question to you all is, what sort of questions should I be asking him, I know once I’ve walked out I’d be like I should of asked this or that. So I’m trying to prepare important questions I should be asking. Thankyou all in advance.
Amanda xx

Hi Amanda, You should write them down any questions you think of and then shorten the list you don’t want to over load the doc, But do want to find out as much info as you can, How about starting with what is applicable to you, if you have any pain or troubles at the moment ask about that first , I did a search for you on what others have asked and here are the results Click me Hope this helps :slight_smile: and hope you are doing well after your treatments.


i had 2 doses, but it only really went for one question - how much has been destroyed. Im assuming they will give u an MRI before the appointment…

Hi Martin and Rich,
TBH Martin I’ve had it pretty good since my treatment I haven’t really had any bad side effect as of yet,touch wood!
I do get the odd stabbing pain or a feeling of weirdness but nothing compared to what I’ve read others have got. I did have an MRI and angiogram done at my second treatment back in May, they said the avm had shrunk 10% already!!
Then I had another MRI in August so my normal consultant could get an idea of what sort of stage my avm is at. My treatment hospital hasn’t communicated with my consultant, but that was 5 months ago so my results isn’t gonna reflect where it is today, with that said I can’t wait to see how it is working.