Hi all, im having my first embolization in 5 days in Germany with Professor Rene Chapot - I can’t wait… I just want to do it. Is like you go on holliday and counting days when you fly off I will update you after the procedure
The best to you Tomas! Let us know how it does, Dr. Chapot is extremely well known in our world for sure. Take Care, John.
Good luck!
My own experience of embolization was that it changed the flows in my head suddenly and felt very weird but it was done right first time and I’m now nearly 8 years post op with no trouble at all. Dr Chapot is very highly regarded and we have a handful of people here who have seen him, the most recent was @Indalo who was very happy with how things went.
I have to say I looked upon my two or three days in hospital as being like an all-inclusive holiday: it’s always warm (or possibly hot) in hospital, the nurses look after you brilliantly though the food in a UK hospital isn’t up to most holiday hotel standards! However, it is best to relax about the whole thing, and you’ll be guided through nicely.
I echo Dick’s comments about feeling a bit odd for a few weeks after. I definitely had a feeling of increased pressure around my AVM especially during certain activities, to the extent that I had to stop whatever was causing it!! I emailed Prof Chapot who reassured me that it would normalise and it did normalise over the next few weeks. The long anaesthetic also took a while to get over.
All the best mate!
I had 4 embolizations with Prof Chapot for my AVM. You are in very good hands:-)
Thank you Kate, tomorow in the morning my first embolization
We’re waiting to hear back from you, we hope everything went okay for you!
Hi everyone,
I’m back 5 days ago from Germany.
My first embolization went well, and I had no difficulties. There was no head pain after i woke up. Just i feel pain in my left arm, i think, because Prof Chapot has done embolization through my vein.
I’m going for the next embolization in 3 months.
Prof. Chapot closed about 30-40% off my AVM. He told me i need 1-2 more sessions…
Overall, im very happy now. Today is the first day, im not taking painkillers for my hand.
Sounds good!! Well done!
Very best wishes,