Hey everyone! I'm new to the site, although I've been lurking around for quite some time. When my AVM was first diagnosed in December 2012, I came to here for emotional support and additional information on the disease - I wanted to see how people were coping with it. The placement of my AVM is in the right thalamus of my brain; because of the location, it was inoperable I ended up having Stereo-tactic Radiosurgery in February.
Let me tell you, it's been a rocky road since my bleed and subsequent stroke. It shook me. I've never been so scared in my life. I was out of work for about 3 months and just recently returned. There are days I just don't think I can do this -- it's difficult to stay up, stay alert and stay focused.
My family has been phenomenal and my co-workers have been great, but at the end of the day, they don't have to live with this right now. Externally, I look fine. You wouldn't know I had a stroke unless I told you. Internally, it's an ongoing battle.
Sometimes it's the small things that can be aggravating - I've always been a restless person, but now I have to slow down and think about things twice as hard. It's not necessarily bad, just annoying. The way I process information is slightly different than before - it makes me super insecure. I feel incompetent. I'm 25 years old with a lot of life and career aspirations. I'm not confident about my capabilities.
On the plus side...
During my time on disability, I began to read in-depth about metaphysics, philosophy etc. I wanted to take sort of a natural-holistic approach to my (day-to-day) recovery. I started mediating, cooking & eating more healthy, I quit smoking (my God that was hard!) I participate in Yoga, at the advice of my Radio-Oncologist, I've gotten a therapist & started creating goals -- things that I want to accomplish monthly. They are small enough to where I'm not putting a ton of pressure on myself, but big enough where I feel good once they have been completed, (joining avmsurvivors.org was one of them!). It's working okay so far, but it's difficult to keep up sometimes.
The biggest problem is I'll be super stoked and ready to conquer the world for a week then suddenly, I will slump into a deep depression. It's horrible. I don't want to do anything or talk to anyone, everything pisses me off, I'll start thinking about my destructive past and feel sorry for myself -- I'm never consistent with my emotions which really isn't good for my AVM. Any words of encouragement?