Acoutic neuroma 2.7

I had an MRI about 2 weeks ago and they discovered I had an acoustic neuroma in my left ear

I had numbness in my mouth for 6 months to a year…went to the dentist and they could see nothing

So after not being able to hear very well from my left ear and saying WHAT a lot…I decided to go to an ENT in my area and he ordered an MRI…

They found the AN on that…

I went to an ear surgeon and told me I could have surgery but there are risks with surgery so he told me all the bad stuff which scared me so much I have been so upset since that happened…

This doctor sent me yesterday September 3rd to a Radiologist Oncologist…and he said it could be radiated…with 25 sessions over 5 weeks with 1.8 gray of radiation per session…

Does anyone out there have any knownledge of this?

Please help…I am still scared.

Helene In Indiana

Yes, I went to the radiation oncologist yesterday and he said 1.8 grays per session…because if if 2.7 centimeters…they do it in small doses…I am at a loss for understanding …I was shocked by him saying 25…but they are low does that will come up to 45 grays…if you understand any of that…because I don’t…

I don’t understand that . But wonder if Cyberknife would work for you. I was told it was the newest thing for treating all types of tumors and Avms, in 1 to 5 treatments. Older types may up to 40 .I am reading this from the booklet they gave me.