Advice on recreational drugs

Hello everyone.

First time posting, I’m actually seeking some advice.

I had an avm removed from my right temporal lobe in 2018 (2nd attempt as they thought the first time it was a cavernoma)

Fortunately I have generally made a good recovery, I just get tired more easily now.

I wanted to ask what the risks are with taking recreational drugs after having surgery and recovered? Specifically MDMA. There were times in the past where I have taken them at festivals and have been offered since so I wanted to ask if anyone has any advice on this going forward? I definitely would not take a silly amount but it has crossed my mind and I have honestly wanted to.
Luckily where we are now we have drug test kits too to check the purity/toxicity levels.

Love to everyone in the group xxx

Welcome! Great to hear that you are now AVM free. I would recommend a conversation with a Dr. although having limited medical use they may not be in a position to offer much or willing to. Take Care, John.