Angio in young kids

Mason is scheduled to undergo an angio in October to check his current AVM. My husband has grave fears that he will stroke due to the angio. I too worry, however I know that the fear of stroke is a lot less than my fear of another rupture. Has anyone else dealt with this, I feel like I am in a giant pickle as to what to do. Mason’s neurosurgern reccomends it due to the fact that he does have an active AVM and that he has already had a rupture. I feel as if a miracle was given to us since Mason is still with us today. Any suggestions on how to handle my hubby??? What are your thoughts on Angio’s and the risks associated with them. Anybody have any traumatic experiences with them?

I have had 8 angiograms over the past three years, with the only complaint being a headache afterwards and a backache from laying on the table. I think the risks of a stroke during an angiogram is minimal, but anytime they access your arteries there is always that risk.

Dewdo from the other Washington

Hi Mason’s Mom!
I’m not exactly sure what to tell you. In general, angio’s are pretty safe. Well as far as anything that involves sticking a catheter in your artery to go look up into your brain is safe! :slight_smile: But seriously, it’s minimally invasive, and people have them all the time. I’m sure the risks are there and they DO have to tell you about them, but I would say the benefit seriously out weighs the risk. I’ve had upwards of 30 angios and no complications. Granted I’m not a brainer, and the risk I’m sure is different in general, and then of course add in that I’m an adult.
I don’t know exactly how to help hubby feel better. Fear is hard to deal with and hard to get rid of once it has settled itself comfortably into your thoughts. However, I imagine the fear of what that AVM could do is bigger and scarier than the fear of the angio. That’s the thing I would focus on I guess. The angio is minimally invasive but will tell you guys a bunch about the state of the AVM and give you all a better understanding of what IT could do and such. That benefit and knowledge has to be worth the very very small risk associated with finding out, right? Sorry, I don’t have any better advice! Maybe posing this question in the parents group would get some better insite from parents who have gone through this?
Hope it all works out for you guys.

My son was twelve when he had a bleed. They did an angio the day after his bleed. It confirmed that he had an AVM. They warned us of the risks but pretty much told us it was required to find out what was wrong. At that time my son was still in a coma and couldn’t have much reaction to it. The second angio was a month later. Immediately after he had the AVM removed by surgery. They wanted to confirm it had been completely removed. He did really well with no side effects. We just told ourselves that it was something necessary to move forward with recovery. It also gives the doctors some extremely detailed information about the AVM and lets them decide the best course of treatment.
Wishing you the best with your little guy.
Marla Post

Angios are a necessary evil when it comes to AVMs. The doctors need to see what they can’t from the outside and are not able to see through CTs and MRIs. I believe the risk from an angio are far less than another bleed. I have had 6 in less than a years time. I had one right after my crainiotomy that caused a bleed, but they placed a drain and everything was right as rain when I left the hospital. We all recover from trauma in different ways, but I am with you another bleed would scare me more than the angio. Neither one sounds good, but if something happens during the angio he is at a hospital and they can intervene immediately. As seconds matter when it comes to bleeds in the brain. I wish I had some advice to help your husband, but because I was the one with the AVM and not the onlooker. I am very thankful I had the AVM. I know it would’ve been agony to have to watch my precious child fight for their life and I couldn’t be the one to fight this monster. The feeling of not being in control of something is that much worse when it is a child. I know how strong I am and I knew I would beat my AVM. Your family is in my prayers. I am not a religious woman, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pray and hope like those who believe in a higher being.

Hi. I totally understand your fear. My daughter was 2 when she had her first angio because of an AVM rupture and then she had 2 more at 3 (angio and embo) and at 4 (only angio) 2 months after that one she had another bleeding. It could have been because of it or it could have happen anyway. She is fine now, she has several nidus that can not be treated at this moment because she has another condition Angiomatosis. Bottom line it depends. If it is treatable and chances are they can embolized at that moment go for it. If it is just to diagnose and they will not treat him at the moment go with an MRI or MRA it’s more safe for him. In little ones they will have to be seen on a regular basis because they are still growing and for my daughter’s case I have decided angio only if it will come with embolization. But again this is my opinion each case is diferent and well it can be treated different. I just wish your son the best and I will pray for your family so God will give you the strengh to overcome this disease. God bless you.