
Can angiogram be done under general anesthesia??

I just had mine and I was awake. Im not sure if that was general or not, but I was awake for the whole thing, but made to feel comfortable. I didnt feel too much except when they injected the dye. Weird feeling, no biggie.

You have to be awake for the angiogram portion. They need to make sure you dont have a stroke . You can see what they see which freaked me out but mine looked like a spider and my heart rate increased and they did a main line to my heart which hurts so I asked to be knocked out. They did the embolism after I was in surgery for 7 hours but I dont think that is normal. I think its good to get it done all at once but had terrible head pain afterward.
Good Luck! Keep us posted

Im pretty sure it is always usually done that way.

God bless

Aylen, ask this question at Extremities AVMs, and you may get different answers. Sometimes, information from those with cerebral AVMs is not applicable to extremity AVMs. My son’s angio was performed under general.

Hi, I have had it both ways. I have a cerebral avm,they tried to embolize the avm (angiogram too)and they put me under. I just had the angiogram awake a few days ago. I think the anesthesia is worse. With anesthesia they put a urinary catheter in, and the breathing tube made my throat hurt for days. There is also greater risk with anesthesia. My recent angiogram went really smooth. The seditive makes you relaxed, and you don't care so much about what is going on. Afterwards I felt great. Just try and relax, when the meds kick in you won't even care!

They can give you really good seditives, just let them know how you feel. Like dancermom said, avms in different locations are treated differently. Make sure you talk to your doctor about your concerns. He will beable to help explain what and why for your qeastions, also he can make sure you are comfortable during your procedure. I am sure they a lot of patient who feel the same as you!

Aylen, for me, if was a type of mild anesthesia. I feel asleep. They woke me up so I could see the screen where my AVM was located, then I feel back to sleep and woke up in th recovery room. I didn't sleep well the night before so I was very tired, which worked well because I needed to sleep. Stay can do it!