Good morning, everyone. I had been down to see a specialist at the AVM Centre at Toronto’s Western Hospital. I was told that my AVM was “not a threat” and that I didn’t need to go back there. I was so relieved to hear those words, that I just pretty much walked out – without asking the thousand and one questions I had at the time.
So, in an act of near desperation, I sent an e-mail to them last week asking if I can please come back to see them, because the headache had returned – what did I need to do to get back in to see the specialists?
Turns out, once you have been a referred patient to this AVM Centre, you no longer need a referral and can simply call and set up an appointment – which I have done. Unfortunately, and as I’m sure you can appreciate, they are extremely busy, so my appointment is not until May 29th. But, it gives me something to keep me focused on and also the time to get my questions/concerns together.
I have a question for everyone . . . when you experience a headache, is it always in the same place and pretty much always radiates the same way? My headache is always the same . . . same pressure point, same radiation points, etc. And when the headache is really strong, my right eye either droops or puffs up, I can’t quite figure out which – all I know is that the right side of my face feels like it is under pressure, and it usually starts with an ache in my right ear – from the inside out – but not like an ear infection. Hard to explain, really.
Well, that’s my news to date . . . hope everyone is keeping well. Have a great week!